Chapter 5

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*Knock knock*
I wake up slowly to an empty bed and a little note on my bed side table

Left before Natasha caught me
- B

I stuff the note into the drawers and get up "hold on" I say grabbing a shirt to throw over my half naked body, I open the door with a little smile to see Natasha "want to go on a run?" She asks "sure let me just get changed" I say opening the door wider so she could come in, I grab some leggings and a sports bra before heading into the bathroom to get changed. I walk out and smile "how are you not hung over?" Natasha asks, Venoms head snakes out of my shoulder with one of his morbid smiles "that's because I practically cure her" Venom replies "I have to get used to that" Natasha laughs "I'm always here, just sitting quietly" Venom says, he looks at me with a small chuckle before going back inside of me "just so you don't forget" Venom says "so no matter what Venom is always listening?" Natasha asks as we walk out of my room "yeah, he feels what I feel, he hears what I hear and he sees what I see" I say

"Isn't that creepy?" She says and I shrug "got used to it, he's part of me now" I say, we begin running around the compound "so how was it in that hospital? I saw that you were the only one in that cage" Natasha says "they couldn't explain what I had, all the tests were inconclusive. They couldn't figure out where Venoms voice was coming from, of course he didn't make an appearance in there because they would just rip us apart if they did know and we weren't going to take that risk" I say "what made you trust us?" Natasha asks "from what I've seen most of us went through at least something traumatic, you with the red room, Bucky with Hydra, Mr Stark with the terrorist. Granted that nobody has an alien living inside of them but I figured who would understand more than a bunch of other damaged people" I say with a laugh "very true" Natasha replies laughing along with me

"I'm sorry it took me so long" Natasha says "you had your own thing going on Nat it's fine. What happened with Yelena?" I ask "I haven't seen they separated us" Natasha replies "do you think she's out there somewhere?" I ask "it's definitely worth having a look, I'm sure Stark would lend us a hand" Natasha says and I nod "we had good times didn't we?" I ask "we did" Nat replies and I nod slowly as we come to a stop "it's weird having you around again, it's weird having people around me again. It's almost like I don't even know how to socialise with anyone anymore, I had this one guard who would always sneak alcohol to me in Hydra that's the only reason I even found out how to drink" I say with a laugh "why would he?" Natasha asks "he was in love with me" I reply with a shrug "with everything that was happening I don't even know if I'm capable" I say with a shrug

"You've been through a lot in the past 15 years, this is the time you have to explore your own world" Natasha replies "here's an idea, a party? You'll get to socialise with us and other people" Natasha says and I just stare at her for a little while "they'll be a lot of alcohol" she says and I laugh but nod "okay" I say "sounds good" I say and she smiles "I'll go get it sorted" Natasha says and walks away leaving me on my own "hey" Steve says joining me "hi" I say getting shy "oh someone has another crush" Venom says "or is it the blue eyes that make your knees shake? Maybe you're just into super soldiers" Venom continues and I massage my head "is everything okay?" Steve asks getting worried, he gently rests his index finger under my chin and lifts up my head so I could look at him when I don't reply "yeah I'm okay, Venom can be a little loud sometimes" I reply "I heard about the party that we are hosting for you" Steve says and I smile "right, Natasha thinks it's a good idea after I told her I lack social skills" I say with a small laugh "I think you deserve a party in your honour, you've been through a lot and this is your home now Angel" Steve says and I smile up at him

"I don't think anyone has ever said things like this to me before" I say "you deserve to hear it" Steve says tucking a strand of hair behind my ear innocently with a small smile "it would be nice to get to know you more Angel" Steve says before giving me a little wave and running off in the direction Nat and I just came from, i clear my throat and walk in "hey" Bucky says "hi" I say surprised "I thought you had training today" I say "I did" Bucky replies "what you wearing for the party?" Bucky asks pulling me closer softly with his pupils expanding drastically from lust "he's practically drooling, take him with you" Venom adds and I clear my throat once again "probably a dress" I say "easy to take off?" Bucky whispers "so easy" I flirt with a small smile, Bucky gives me a smirk before walking away

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