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'___' -Thinking
"___" -Lily speaking
"___" -Any human
"___" -Animatronics speaking

Lilith woke up to their alarm going off for their first day working at the Mega Pizzplex. She groaned, rolling over to turn off the alarm. After turning off the alarm, they checked the time which read 10:30pm.

They sighed and got out of bed to grab their towel before walking to the bathroom to shower. She turned on some music, having a little pre-shower rock out before turning on the shower. She got undressed, looking at herself in the mirror before hopping into the shower.

Around 11pm they got out, wrapping a towel around themselves. She sighed and looked at herself once again before heading back to their room to get dressed. Once they were dressed they looked at themselves in the mirror once again, this time, mainly at the uniform.

"God, why couldn't they have changed it?" Lily muttered to themselves.

It was the same uniform Venessa wore so it brought back some memories they didn't want to deal with.

Lily then back went to the bathroom to brush their hair and teeth before making sure they had everything for work. Once they were sure they had everything, she headed down to the kitchen to grab a green monster along with something to eat. They went over to their mom, who was up watching tv, and kissed her cheek.

"I'll see you around 6am. I love you mom" Lily said, smiling softly as their mother turned to them with a smile.
"Alright dear. Be safe"
"I will mom" Lily said as they grab their skateboard and heading to work.

Once at the mega pizzaplex, Lilith headed inside and clocked in. They looked at their watch, checking the time. It was now 11:40pm. She had left the house at around 11:20pm so it had taken them around 20 minutes to get there.

Lilith then headed to the workers locker room. She looked around for her locker. Once she found it, she opened it and put her skateboard into it. They sighed softly, shutting their locker before walking out.

Lily then walked out of the change room and towards Rockstar Row to check on Freddy, Monty, Roxy and Chica. Once at RockStar Row theg noticed a new room which confused them.

'Who, what. I wasn't told there was a new animatronic. Did they decide to bring back Bonnie?' She asked herself as she walked past it, towards Freddy's

They walked into Freddy's room, seeing that he wasn't there. They sighed before speaking to themselves outloud "I'll check down in the parts and services after."

She walked down the hallway to get to Chica's room. Chica was in her room eating pizza, of course. They then head to Roxy's room. She sighed seeing that Roxy wasn't in her room.

"Okay. Im not even surprised." They muttered to thenselves as they headed towards Monty's room.
She groaned seeing that Month was also not in his room
"Okay, 3 out of 4 animatronics are not in the rooms, great."

Lily sighed softly as they figured confused probably in Roxy Raceway and Monty probably was on the catwalks in Gator Golf.

As they walked down to the new room, they were lost in thought causing them to almost run into the wall instead of turning to go in the door. Once at the room they looked inside to see Glamrock Bonnie, confused by who he was at first Lily walked into the room and saw him sitting on the couch. Bonnie looked up at Lily, confused

"Who are you? I don't recognize you." Bonnie asked, watching Lily

"I'm Lily. I'm the new security guard. I don't recognize you either"

"I'm Glamrock Bonnie, bass player. Anyways, Freddy is charging in the back of his room by the way if you were wondering" Bonnie explains as Lily sighs and nods

"I thought he was down in parts and service so thank you. Imma head out and go find Roxy and Monty. See ya later." Lily said, walking out of the room.

They walk off towards the atrium and to Roxy Raceway. As soon as they stepped foot into the racetrack area someone tackled them to the ground causing them to yelp in pain and also in shock. They looked back to see Roxy hugging them.

"Rox? You alright?" Lily asks as Roxy moved a bit to let them turn around.

"I'm sorry for that night Lily. I didn't want to hurt you or Gregory but-"

Lily shook her head as she gently grabbed Roxanne's hands.

"Roxanne, it wasn't your fault. You were hacked and had no control over it. Both me and Gregory have forgiven you already." Lily said with a smile towards the animatronic wolf as she got up and helpped Lily up before giving her a proper hug.

"Thank you for forgiving me Lily."

"Of course Roxy. Now, I gotta go find Monty. I'll see you later." Lily said letting go of Roxy and running off while waving before yelling back to Roxy. "Make sure to be in your room by 5:30am Roxanne!"

Lily stood on the 3rd floor balcony, looking down at the stage, remembering the times the kids ran around and played. They ran their hand along the railing as they walked towards Mazercise to get up to the cat walks above Monty's golf.

Once they figured out the maze pattern they went in the vent and up to the cat walks. But as soon as they got out they had to duck due to Monty, for some reason, throwing a plastic ball at them.

"Monty you bitch." Lily said standing up straight again and looking at him causing Monty to just laugh.

"You aren't so little anymore. I can't call you little Lily." Monty exclaimed, crossing his arms and leaning back against the railing a little as Lily shook their head.

"No, you can't. You can just call me Lily though. Anyways, just came to check on ya. Be back at you room by 5:30am, alright?" Lily gave him a small smile as he gave them a thumbs up.

"Will do, little Lily." Monty said, now teasing their height.

Lily grumbled and went to walk back to RockStar Row before Month started speaking again

"Oh, make sure to go see the Sun Man. I'm sure that ball of literal sunshine would love to see you." He said to Lily who just gave a thumbs up ad she walked out.

Lily looked around at the showcases, thinking about what Month had said. She sighed and decided to head to the daycare, muttering softly. "Hope you recognize me guys" as they walked.

Once at the daycare they noticed the lights were off so they looked over the edge and into the play area, seeing Moon cleaning up as a little kid slept. They walked around to the stairs to get the big doors, accessing them from the outside and walking in.

Moon turned around when he heard the door open. He looked at Lily confused, his system examining her as she walked closer. "Are you the new night guard?"
Lily nodded "Indeed I am, Moondrop." Lily said putting their hands on their hips, a bell rang a little when they did.

Them, Moon and Sun had made bracelets together to match. Lily had a blue and red one for them both. While Sun had a blue and purple one that represents Lily and Moon. Moon had a red and purple one for Lily and Sun. Each one had a bell on it that rang when you shook your wrists.

Moon looked over Lily before his eyes landing on the bracelets.
"There's only one person that I know who has those bracelets..." Moon said while looking down at Lily's face

"Hey Moony, long time no see." Lily said, giving him a big, ear to ear, smile like they did in the past.

Moon paused, trying to process who was standing in front of him before his eyes widened in shock.

"Wait... Lilypad?!"

New part coming soon....

Word count: 1352

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