Wind Girl's Voice get muted?! really?!

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*Talim's bedroom*

When she's fixing up her bed after she got woke up and she changed her own clothes after she went to the bathroom and have a long cold shower. 

*Mellow Willow's High School*

As she went to school while wearing her modern clothes and she's carrying a green backpack then she plans to go to the Principal's office as she wanted more information about the lockers and the school facilities.. 


When Perrine wanted to cast a spell it on Talim that she could get rid of her high pitched voice.  Her small yet 'journal' - like notebook with brown pages that it has written all the magic spells in unfaded cursive black ink.  The magic book is called 'The Black Book' was owned by Raphael Sorel,  the guy who help her and Persepolis during WWI.

"Talim, you should rest your voice in one week". Perrine said that while holding the book as she read the spell out loud "By the name of Good Magic,  I command you to _________ (removed the voice for one week) at the person named __________ (Talim).."

When I felt something not's right.  My voice!  Ugh!!  My mind said as I went ran downstairs as I saw BoBoiBoy was talking with Ying while tears are running down on my face. 

"What's wrong Talim? " BoBoiBoy said as he standing in front of me. 

"I think..  My goodness sake!!  Talim lost her voice by magic! " Annaliza said as she pulled me away as she hugged me tighter. 

"I will found out who did this to you.. I like you Talim even you're so annoying.. " she cooed me like a little girl who get lost. 

When I speak..  Some funny whistles went out of my mouth as I used my sign language for communicating with my friends. 

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