Part 14

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'Hyerin, I want you to meet Lee Felix.' His face showed clear confusion as if he did not know anything. Lies. All lies. I can't believe that my counselor would bring someone like him to take me to god knows where without telling him my name. Stupid. Wait-- what is he doing here? 'Felix, this is Hyerin. You are supposed to take her to the medicine room. Hyerin, you can trust him. He is really nice,' Allison said. Trust my ass. Nice? Him? Both are antonyms. 

He stood there, like a statue, with no facial expression whatsoever. How can he be nice? Allison needs glasses. 'I'll leave. Thank you for today's talk. Bye,' I said as I got up and left with Felix following me behind. As soon as the the room, 10B, wasn't in sight, I turned around and faced him. 'What are you doing here?' I asked. 'Do you own this place? The hospital? My question is, what are you doing here?' he asked me. 'I have a "condition" which I don't want to disclose to you because that's not your business. I find it hard to believe that you came here without knowing the name of the person you are supposed to escort somewhere,' I said with a huff. 

'Allison told me, some girl named "Mellissa" is coming here. How would I know that its you? If I would, I wouldn't have come,' he rolled his eyes and walked past me. I stood there, not budging from my position. 'Are you coming? I don't want to waste anymore of my time on you,' he said and continued walking. 

'At least I dont hide my own name,' I muttered under my breath. But oh well, he heard it. 'What?' he turned back immediately and asked me. 'What?' I tried to sound confident but it almost came out like a whisper. 'I asked you that. What did you say just now?' his cold tone was audible and that made me even more scared. 'I said at least I dont hide my own name,' I repeated. 'You dont know my name,' he smirked and started walking again.

'I know. Lee Yongbok?' Oh shoot. Haneul told me to not call him with that name. He turned around as I noticed that his eyes were dark and cold. He started walking towards as I took a step back. Soon my back hit the wall and he put his one hand on my side. 'How do you know my name?' he asked. 'That's none of your business,' I rolled my eyes. I couldn't tell that Haneul told me. He already hates her, now he would hate her more.

'That is my business. How do you know my name?' he asked again, raising his voice. 'I wont tell you. And what's so wrong with your name? You have a phobia or what? Nameophobia?' I let out a small chuckle. 'Shut up. Dont poke your nose into my business. And never call me with that name ever again,' he moved away as I stood there and caught my breath.

'This is where I leave you. Hopefully I dont have to meet you again,' Felix said and walked away. It's not like I wanted to see him anyways.

That evening I facetimed Madison. 'Hey,'she picked up. 'Hey,'I replied. 'What happe-- wait where are you,'she asked as she squinted her eyes to get a better look at my surroundings. 'The hospital. Turns out that I was pretty much starving myself. I don't even know that I starved myself,'I looked down again. 'Oh my god. Are you okay now Mel?' she asked. I nodded my head.

'No one even bothered to tell me? I maybe live a few thousand miles away from you but I am still your best friend. I will screw that brother of yours when I go there. I hate him,' she looked at me. 'Oh no honey. You love him,'I giggled. She became a blushing mess within a second. 'Mads, you have been my best friend since elementary. How could I not catch you staring at him everytime he came to Australia to visit me?' I teased her. 'Okay okay fine. I may have a crush on him. But it's not mutual,'she said.

'Well we have to find that out. When you come here, my first task will be to set you both up,' I chuckled as she started blushing again.

We talked for another hour but she had to leave. The timelines were pretty much becoming a bother. Wait. Allison said that I could look around this hospital.

I tip toed out of my room and walked along the corridor. Medals that the hospitals received were displayed. Some pictures of the staff and some of the patients were also hung. One specific picture caught my eye. It was a picture with the staff in blue uniforms surrounded by patients who I guess had just recovered and a little boy. His age was probably five or six.

The little boy had freckles which reminded me of Felix. He has the same ones. No way. No freaking way. Was this Felix. But in this picture, the boy was five or six years old. I noticed some names written at the bottom of the picture. Bingo.

Allison Dcoy, my counselor was also there. She looked really young. She was the one carrying the boy. The next five names consisted of the staff I guess and then there was a name. Lee Yongbok.

Surely the little boy was Felix. But that doesn't add up. What was doing in this hospital more than ten years ago? Unless.........he was a patient ever since then. Did Felix really come to this counseling hospital for eleven years in a row? He must have a serious problem then.

What was it?

Sorry for this short chapter. This is the first time I am writing a Author's note. I really wish you are enjoying this story.

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