so lemme rewind,
I was making lunch for myself and the day earlier my mom had said "you need to stop having to use a giant knife and cutting board when cutting an apple" so stupid me went ok and then attempted to do the handheld cutting an apple technique.
I placed a bit more pressure on the knife to get through the middle and cut atleast a centimetre deep into my left palm.
I then quickly grabbed my hand placing pressure on it to stop any bleeding, called out for my mom and she came in, rinsed it and decided that i would need stiches. fun.
so we wrapped up my mistake, and drove to the hospital.
I was still in pjs.
so fast forward like 45 minutes and im laying in the hospital, I can't feel my hand and i've got five stitches in it.
Now, when i say can't feel my hand i mean i could stick it in boiling water and not feel a thing.
Nurse comes in, wraps it up with a very excessive amount of wrap and gives me a fucking sling.
this was a centimeter deep cut with five stiches. I DIDNT NEED A GODFORSAKEN SLING.
so we went home, and i had my lunch.
so anyways-

Whatever random shit I think of
FanfictionWelcome to my random shithole of a brain, in this I shall be writing whatever random thought i think. Enjoy! also the cover is just a covid meme.