1 The end of a new beginning.

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"Mama, Mama look at what Thalia is doing!"

Abigail opened her eyes and turned her head outside her hammock to look at what her children were doing. She looked to see two curly dark haired girls sitting in the cool spring grass playing with flowers.

Abigail watched as her eldest was humming softly in what sounded like low rumbles as she focused on a wilting daisy, the flower slowly started to perk up as her daughter sang to it.

Usually in the past Abigail would have praised her daughter for what she had done, but this wasn't time. They were outside anyone could have seen them.

"That's lovely baby, but remember we can't do magic outside. Do you remember why?" She asked as she crouched down to where her daughters were playing in the grass.

Thalia's smile slowly went into a frown "Because of the bad men?" She said quietly.

Abigail gave her a sad smile as she ran her fingers through her daughter's soft curls "Yes, because of the bad men. But we can sing songs inside the cabin." She said trying to cheer them up.

Thalia shook her head but Abigail could still see that she was upset, "I just wanted to give some flowers to Auntie Tally to make her feel better." She said quietly.

Now Abigail understood, Tally was in her sixth month of pregnancy and it hadn't been an easy one. Gregorio had been staying home from work today because Tally had been having intense Braxton Hicks since late last night and they thought she was going into early labor. Quinn had checked her out and everything seemed fine but she had been on bed rest all day.

Her daughters absolutely adored their aunts and their uncle so much so for them to want to cheer up Tally with flowers made her heart melt.

"Okay, tell you what. Let's go pick some flowers and give them to Auntie Tally so it cheers her up! I'm sure she'd love to see you two today. How dose that sound?" Her daughters shook their curly heads and had big grins at the mention of seeing their aunt. She picked up Rhea and held on to Thalia's hand as they picked wolf flowers in the garden.

Once they had a full bouquet of daisies, wild roses, and daffodils they headed to Tally and Gregorio's cabin. The three witches had built log cabins out in the woods far into the Cession away from most civilians about seven years ago when they escaped from police custody. They had been living as civilians ever since then only doing magic when absolutely necessary, Gregorio Shellbark had apparently been looking for them ever since they had gotten into police custody and found Tally four years later.

When the two were reunited they had apparently developed feelings for each other back in war college but never acted on them, but he proposed to Tally almost as soon as he found her. They had married that summer and are now expecting their first child, Quinn was convinced it was a girl right off the bat, but Thalia and Rhea were hoping for a boy.

The small family walked up to the Craven-Shellbark home and Abigail knocked on the door lightly, she was expecting Gregorio to be the one to open the door but was shocked to see Raelle Collar be the one to open it.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She said to Abigail, she looked tired. Her shoulder length blonde hair was a mess and the dark circles underneath her ice blue eyes were very pronounced. She looked like she had been through hell and back.

"The girls wanted to see Tally and cheer her up. Is everything okay?" Raelle looked down at her hands and started playing with her ring, a habit she did whenever she was to nervous to say what's on her mind.

She sighed before she put on a forced smile and opened the door more to let them all in "I think...that's exactly what Auntie Tally and Uncle Rio need right now." The girls quickly ran inside to go hunt for their aunt and uncle leaving their mother to talk with their other aunt.

"Rae what happened last night, Is Tally okay?" Abigail asked her sister in arms, Raelle looked at her and shook her head.

"We found out that Tally has a retarded cervix, it's not strong enough to carry the baby to full term so Quinn and I suggested an early delivery. But you know Tally, stubborn as ever. She wants to carry it to full term so she's on bed rest for now with minimal movement so she doesn't accidentally go into active labor." She told Abigail.

Abigail nodded, she had difficulty carrying Thalia in the last two moths of her pregnancy and she was born three weeks earlier than expected. Same with Rhea, there definitely was something going on but she never voiced her opinions about it until now.

"Do you think it has something to do with us not using our magic? Our children are witches to so by us not using our magic our bodies might be retaliating against their magic?" She asked, Raelle pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded "Possibly. That's all I can say for now."

Abigail was about to ask another question when she heard squealing coming from Tally and Gregorio's room, little Rhea came running out all smiles  grabbing her mother's hand "Mama, mama! I felt it, I felt Auntie Tally's baby!"

"Did you now?" Abigail and Raelle smiled at the little girl as she pulled her mother into the bedroom.

When Abigail got there her smile fell as she took in the sight before her. There was Tally laying in bed propped up on several pillows, her chocolate brown eyes were dark, almost black, with fatigue and she had bags underneath her eyes. Her wild copper hair was a messy disarray that was like a firey halo around her head on the pillows.

She had Thalia sitting right next to her with her hands atop of her little ones on her large baby bump, she had a soft tired smile on her face but she seemed happy to have her niece next to her.

Gregorio didn't look much better than Tally, his dark curls were hanging in his eyes and his onyx eyes also had dark circles underneath them, Abigail began to wonder if they had all stayed up all night because of what had happened, the sloppy grey top that had holes in it and the faded grey plaid pants with grass stuck to the cuffs told Abigail they had probably just went to bed when all this had happened. 

Abigail smiled when she saw the loving look on his face as he watched his niece with his wife trying to feel the baby move around.

"Mama come feel, Auntie Tally's baby is kicking her!" Rhea said as she pulled her mothers arm.

Tally looked at her sister and gave her a weak smile as she reached out with her shaky arms and grabbed Abigail's wrist and laid it on her swollen stomach.

She waited for a minute or two and then she felt it, a small little nudge from the little bun just waiting to be born into the world.

She knew things wouldn't be easy being on the run with a new life in hiding with them, she remembers running with Thalia and when she was born before settling down in the meadows in the woods of the Cession.

It was also the time they had lost Scylla, they were running from the Camarilla and she sacrificed herself to a witch plague so they could escape on time. Raelle was devastated for years. But she was starting to do better when Tally asked her to be her midwife, She would never admit it but she loved children and Tally was her favorite.

They didn't know how much time they had left in the meadow but they enjoyed it while it lasted, hopefully some day soon they would never have to run again.

As Abigail watched her daughters smile as they snuggled up next to their aunt, and Raelle smiling in the doorway. She knew

They had hope for the future...



Hello all of my beautiful wonderful readers!!

I am so deeply sorry for not posting for awhile, when I spoke to you all I had just gotten a new job that was extremely stressful and had very long hours, but I have scenes been fired from that job and now have the motivation to write again!!

So tell me what you think of the first chapter (there will be more don't worry) and also what you think of season 3 so far, I have a love hate relationship with it so far but I am still enjoying it.

I hope to see you all soon xoxo- Logan

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