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😗sorry for any mistakes

Atlanta GADecember 5thFriday

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Atlanta GA
December 5th

"Dad, momma cryin" Carter said, yawning , coming into the living room where Jermaiah was watching baby boy.

Jermaiah sighed "Ight" he said, turning the movie off. He grabbed his phone, seeing it was 8PM. He stood from the couch and walked to the elevator. Once he got on, he pressed the 4th floor then got off and walked to his room, putting the code in.

He walked in, seeing Kimoria crying. She was currently trying to get comfortable with the pregnancy pillow she has. She was now 31 weeks and upset.

He took his shirt off and slid behind her "I just wanna go to sleep Jermaiah" She cried when she felt arms wrap around her and her being pulled closer into Jermaiah's chest.

She was beyond exhausted, her daughter just wouldn't stop moving and moved all the time, at all times of the day now. She didn't get any sleep from her having to get up and pee every 5 minutes to her daughter kicking her like she was mad at her.  Her kicks were very painful now and uncomfortable. With her doing all of that, Kimoria was more uncomfortable then before.

Her back was aching and she just wanted to get some sleep. She was also more hormonal so she was crying way more over everything now and it irritated the mess outta her cause she couldn't help it.

"I kno baby, I need you to calm down for a second tho" He said, rubbing her stomach. He could feel her lil kicks and moving around.

"You gotta chill peanut, mama tryna sleep and you stressin her out. We ain't supposed to be stressin ha'. We're supposed to keep her stress free and happy. So chill and relax mamas" he said to the baby while rubbing her stomach.

Kimoria cries turned into sniffles as she started to calm down. She was 10 seconds from punching herself in the stomach if her daughter didn't stop moving and kicking her so much and if he didn't come upstairs.

He started to get up making her start to cry again because she was getting comfortable and he ruined it.

"Baby let me light this candle first, I'm comin back." He said when her heard her whines and her beginning to cry again. She started to silently cry when he got up to light her stress relief candle.

"Shh" He hushed her when he got back in the bed. He
kissed the side of her face to make her stop crying again. He placed his hand on her thigh and rubbed his thumb on her skin to soothe her.

He reached over to her nightstand and pressed the Tv button already knowing they were going to be in that position for a while. She started to fall asleep when she felt the movement stop.

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