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So uh about the chapters ig you guys will get a lil snack for being amazing and so nice to me ig🙄

I also wanted to say im gonna start doing better im sorry i didnt get out a christmas ,thanksgiving,or new years  chapter in time sorry guys🤠

Please forgive me 😃💔💔

Uh i hope this chapter is ok please take this as a small peace offering😃😃😃😃😃


Omg yoooooo Thats so crazy i literally come back years later after writing this I'm so sorry 💔💔💔 looking back on my drafts and stuff i was so hyper back then 😭 . I dont really know how to handle this situation tbh . i broke my phone and i js found my acc password again a few days ago lmao 💔 sorry for leaving you guys for so long😨😭 but ig i should give you guys that peace offering.❤️


Apology part 3

So uhhhh hey guys.😃 I kinda feel like a deadbeat dad😃 I feel like such an asshole for leaving for so long 💀 I've risen from the dead to deliver the new chapter tho.

(This will be a OneShot)


Corpse had recently been avoiding Sykkuno

For what reason??? Honestly he doesn't know.

It's just that lately every time he gets around Sykkuno he starts to do things he doesn't usually do.

For example

When Sykkuno praises him he starts to smile and get all flustered like some random high school girl in a shitty romance anime


Whenever he comes across a video or picture of Sykkuno he can't help but stare

And save it to look at again for later.


You get the point.

Maybe he just needed some time alone to figure things out on his own
And that's what he thought he would get

Just as he started to think about the awkward or maybe even sexual tension between him and his friend he hears three knocks on his door

"For fucks sake.." he mumbled under his breath as he got up to go see who it was.

"Who is it ??"  Corpse asked from the other side of the door quite annoyed

"Sykkuno." The person replied

Corpse swung open the door in disbelief with a look of pure shock on his face as he mumbled  " speak of  the devil."

"Hm?" Sykkuno asked with his head down not quite picking up on what the other had said.

"Nothing, come in.." corpse said as he opened up the door and stared  at the other boy as he walked in

They sit down in silence for a good 5 minutes before Sykkuno clears his throat and begins to speak

"Why?" He asks

No response...

"Why have you been avoiding me?"

Corpse just looked at the boy seeing the hurt expression on his face and the way his eyes started to tear up witch made him freeze.

Sykkuno was so... adorable? Or  maybe pretty? He couldn't find the words to describe it but looking at this boy as his cheeks were pink and his eyes teary ... it just did something to him..

"I'm sorry. I've just been thinking a lot recently." Corpse finally replied.

"Was it something I did? Something I said? I'm so sorry if I upset you." Sykkuno said as tears streamed down his face .

"Honestly... it's the total opposite, lately my feelings towards you have grown stronger and  uh...other stuff".. he confessed.

This conversation went back and forth for a while until they had both confessed their feelings to one another and sorted out the issue . Eventually they sat just laying in each other's arms until...

Something could be felt.

Corpse kept thinking about the way Sykkuno looked earlier and he couldn't help but feel some type of way.

He sighed knowing he couldn't prevent the oncoming erection.

oh well it'll go away...


Well Sykkuno felt it, his face getting red as he felt it poking his thigh.

(He's halfway on his lap.)

Sykkuno started to squirm which made corpse grab his hips to make him stop

"Do you know what your doing right now?" Corpse asked him

Sykkuno hummed trying to move again which was a bad idea because now he had "accidentally" wiggled himself all the way onto corpse's lap .

He stayed still hearing the other groan at the new position.

Corpse's grip tightened again as he pushed his hips up slightly making the other let out a gasp .

Sykkuno instinctively crossed his legs feeling a familiar heat start to form in his stomach.

Corpse then stopped

"Let's finish this in my room ." He said

And so

They did


Please ignore any mistakes 😃

And  Sorry for the "tease" I guess I'm just now coming back so didn't really know if I should jump straight back into ruthless railing yk?😃

So uh if you guys could please tell me where I should start back up from that would be great😪

(Sorry guys Ik it's kinda unprofessional but js help me out💀)

>>😃 uh. Tell me here ig??? Or vote???😃. <<

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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