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        Have you ever had that feeling where you're just so in love you don't know you're in love? I haven't either, but people seem to talk about it a lot. As if that exists. Everyone seems to be looking for some great love and yet they always find it in the wrong people. I don't know if this is just bad luck, but both of my parents seem to get divorced whenever they mary. I've moved so many times and now I'm moving again. I'm moving to Santa Cruz, C.A. A total change from my current home, Montana. 

        "Honey, finish packing please! We have an hour untill the moving truck comes!" Margret, my fourth step mother calls up to me from our small kitchen.

        "Give me a minute! Geeze you act like you're my mom!" I do not consider her or any of my father's wives my mother. 

        I finish packing my stuff and nearly forget about my hair supplies. I have about thirty dye bottles all full of different colors. I also have to use certain shampoo and condotioner for my hair or else the color will drain too soon. Right now my hair is a bright purplple with purple-almost-white highlights. I put on my black and green headphones and head down stairs.


        As I step onto to plane I see three people rush to the gate. I immediatley recognise them and rush over to them.

        "I can't believe you're acctually leaving!" Sami excaims. We get a few disgusted looks but we just return them. Nate even goes as far as flipping someone off.

        We laugh for a second before Kathy pulls me into a hug and sobs into my shoulder. "Kathy..." Nate says sadly. Then continues, "Now that you're crying Sam Sams is about cry, and hell, even I want to cry now!"

        "Stop! Stop crying! We all have Skype, Instagram, and eachothers phone numbers. Plus we can visit eachother on breaks!" I say. They all cheer then hug me all at once. 

        "Hurry up! We're leaving in one minute!" Margret shrieks. I faintly hear all of them mutter their nicknames for her. I laugh and walk to the plane awaiting the torture of a new school.


        "This is it guys. This is our new home." my dad announces as he opens the door to a large, empty, house. That's all it is. A large, empty, house. This will never be home. I have no memories hear. Nothing left of my real mom here. I angrily storm up to the room Margret direted me to. 

        I hate her. I hate him. I hate this house. I hate my mother for leaving. No. That last one's a lie. I love my mother. More than I love my home and my friends that I already miss so much.

         I start putting my clothes into the closet and my dyes into the medicine closet in my bathroom. I put my mandatory twitching pills, as my old doctor and I called them.

        They couldn't find an acctual prescription for my condition so they just made pills for me. I've had no problems or side effects with it so they just kept making more. Then again, I've only been taking them for a month... I have to take two with breakfast, one with lunch, and another two with dinner.


        "Okay Cassandr-"

        "Casey. My name's Casey." I snap at Margret.

        "Look you. I don't care what those brats and your mother called you back in Montana. I am your new mother and you will make new friends at this school. Your name is Cassa-"

        I cut her off by slamming my hands on the table. "My name is Casey! You will not talk bout my mother or my friends that way! I hate you! Get it into your tiny brain! I don't want to be here! I hate both of you for making me come here! I could've stayed with one of my friends! They all offered more than once because they hate you just as much as I do! If I could change one mistake of my father's I would change you!" I yell. She needs to stop acting like she can walk into my life and replace the only woman I called a mother.

        "Go to school, Cassan-" my dad tries to say before I cut him off.

        "My name is Casey!" I shout grabbing my bag and placing the straps on my left shoulder and storming out.

        When I step outside I see a pink convertable sitting infront of the house.

        "Parent problems?" A blonde who's way too skinny to be healthy says.  "Glad I don't have any of those."

        I walk up to her convertable and say "Would you like problems with my fist?" 


        "Then I recomend you shut up before I make you get another nose job." She gasps and drives away. I innocently and mockingly wave her goodbye. 


        When I finally reach the school I notice the blonde from earlier in the yard talking to a group of people who look as stupid as she does. I notice something else too. No one has colored hair except me. Not even an artistic streak? Everyone looks pure. No tattoos, no peircings, and no dyed hair.

        Isn't this going to be a fun school? I say to myself sarcastically. I walk into a small building I think is the office, then wallk out because it's a large janitors' closet.

        "You must be new. Need help around?" says a voice behind me. I turn around and he backs up. He has hipster glasses. blonde hair and green eyes. "If you don't need help I completely understand." 

        "Dude. Calm down. What's your name?"

        "Aaron." he answers shyly.

        "Well Aaron, I need to find the main office because that building," I gesture behind me towards the janitors' closet. "Is not it." 

        He laughs then says "Follow me then."


        I get my schedule and look it over. 

        1. Science 8:30 - 9:30

        2. Precalculus 9:35 - 10:35

        3. P.E. 10:40 - 11:40

        4. Lunch 11:45 - 12: 50

        5. American History 12:55 - 1:55

        6. Free Block 2:00 - 3:00

            Leave - 3:05

        "We have free block and lunch together." Aaron says. I laugh at this.

        "Of course we do. Hey, uh, are you free later?" I say.

        "Of course I am. It's not like I have any frien- wait why?" 

        "Because I want to hang out. And I suck at math so maybe you could help me out with that?" I say. He laughs and I join him.


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