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"There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind"

It was almost a week after his Udaipur Visit.
Kartik was back in Mumbai with the successful meeting
He should have been happy with his deal but he felt something different
The hurtful eyes of the girl haunted him as soon as he closed his eyes. On the top of that he didn't even know her name

One fine day Kartik was in Goenka company and going through some files
There was a knock on a door and his manager Ashish came to let him know that his PA is not well and taken leave
He sighed and asked him about his well being and told Ashish to provide all hospital expenses from company only
Kartik is very kind hearted and helpful for everyone

Kartik asked Ashish to arrange interview for New PA

He nodded and leaved

Next day Naira walked in Goenka company for interview and asked at reception where interview was going on
She guided to the cabin and asked her to wait
She is observing everything carefully how beautiful and peaceful is the atmosphere in office

She was lost in her thoughts just then her name called and she walked in cabin of Mr Kartik Goenka

May I come in - she asked
Come in - he replied without seeing busy in work
As soon as he saw the girl both were dumbstruck got a moment. It was the same girl he had kissed.
The moment he saw him he was sure that fate was playing some different game

On the other side Naira was also totally shocked and thought now she had no chance that she got this job
But she need that job. So she remain calm and confident

Plz be seated - Kartik told her
She sat and fiddling with her dupatta
Noticing her nervousness he asked for her resume
She dutifully passed her resume to Kartik
And Kartik noticing her each and every expression
Today also he was just lost in his eyes
Finding answers what happened to her
He was impressed by her resume. She was a brilliant in academics. She had done mba first year only

So Naira you have very good resume but just want to know why you have not completed Mba?

She knew she could not evade this question- any interviewer would have asked the same

Yes I was working until I got married - she paused an u shed tears are started forming in her eyes

Is she married? Kartik was dumbstruck with another news
" Then I was not allowed to work"
By whom - he asked
My hus.. ex husband - Naira said
Oh - there were thousand of questions roaming in his mind
And you let him to force you
Not anymore .. I am free said Naira
And then only her unshed tear falls
And Kartik was staring at her that how strong she is and facing all problems
He just want to hug her and take all her fears
He passed a glass of water to her

You ok? - Kartik asked
Yes Thank you - Naira said

But Naira for this post you should have some kind of experience - informed Kartik

She cursed her fate again
She thought he is trying to sugar coat his words and send her away
With anger within her she got up from her chair and said I understood your decision sir.. I will leave
Naira said

She is totally annoyed. She began to walk and just then she collided with the chair and she fell but Kartik saved her

I think you have a habit of falling Naira
She is not able to digest his talks and said you pushed me last time sir

If I have not pushed than you will be not here now Kartik said pulling her

She felt so much frustrated
" Yes I would have died and that would be better only. I am failure I have failed everything like this interview and no one wants me in their life not my ex husband even not my family

She vent out all her anger in front of him
Kartik was stunned of this outburst
She was shocked how she said this much in front of her boss and she ran away while crying

Kartik was totally shocked to see her in this situation
He made up his mind that he will never let any sorrow came into her life
He will give her all happiness which she deserve
She is pure soul but she was broken from inside

He sighed and had a little smile on his face after one week but still there are many things roaming in his mind

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