Chapter 1: Doll's out of the box

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After the teddy bear was torn to shreds, and Paris introduced himself, he glanced down at the head of the bear which tried to kill Yumi, toying with his knife. "So, Yumi. Could you perhaps tell me where you got this fiendish little thing?" Paris' tone seemed rather calm, even though he'd just taken down a vicious beast. It took a little bit for her to register what just happened, before she eventually passed out on the floor. "Oh dear... I suppose that question can wait for later." The puppet knelt down, first picking up the severed head of the deranged teddy bear. The head snarled and snapped at him, until it was easily torn in half by hand, at which point the shreds were tossed aside. Now that the teddy bear was dealt with, he plucked the knife from his hand by its blade, slipping it into the pocket of his back as he turned to face Yumi. "Now, let's get you to a more comfortable spot to rest." As he spoke, he carefully picked up the girl on the floor, carrying her in the direction of what he assumed to be was a sofa.

A couple of hours later

Paris had been patiently waiting for Yumi to awake, waiting for the time at which he could ask her his questions without interruption. A babysitter, A woman, then another woman, all had been keeping an eye on Yumi since they arrived. That was, until Yumi was left "alone" upstairs in her room as her adoptive mothers spoke. This was likely the only chance he would have for now, as the little puppet's eyes flashed from a dull black to a red as bright as his cheeks. "Well... seems your parents have finally stopped looking." He turned his head to face the spooked Yumi, who stared right back at him from the door. "Perhaps now we can have a proper chat. After all, you must be curious as to what's going on."
Yumi remained silent, still somewhat scared from the scene she'd watched earlier. In fact... it had left her silent for the majority of the day, even as her mothers questioned her. Paris only saw this as a cue to continue. "I have a few questions to ask as well, aside from the one I asked in the basement. I believe the term is, 'You scratch my back, I scratch your's?" As he began to move around on Yumi's bedside table, Yumi herself finally stood and closed the door. Seemed she was finally ready to speak, even as her legs trembled. "... what are you?" Yumi finally started off. "Well, my current appearance should make that obvious, should it not?" This earned a soft chuckle from the doll. He knew full well what she really meant, but wanted to tease the little girl just a little bit. "H- how?" "Don't worry, I know that wasn't quite what you were asking." Paris had abruptly cut off Yumi's question, gesturing as if he'd brushed it away.
It was a bit of a long, mystical tale about his creator, and his ability to create quite literally anything, but at the cost of his creations being the opposite of their intentions. But you already know that story, don't you, dear reader? Yumi sure  didn't, watching in a mix of fear and awe as Paris told the story of his creator, XXXX. "So, in order to clean up his messes, my creator made a pair of monsters, both created to rebel and fight with one another. Another doll, and myself." Paris placed a porcelain hand on his chest, gesturing to himself as he'd finished his sentence. Yumi thought on what that statement implied, before the lightbulb went off in her head. "Wait... b-but there was only one box like yours in the basement." Yumi mentioned, peaking Paris' interest. The doll sighed, shaking his head as he thought about Yumi's sentence. "Well, I suppose it was bound to happen. Luckily for whatever fool has come across her, she is the less destructive of us two," The puppet now hopped down from Yumi's bedside table, flesh forming him into his taller, humanoid form. "However, it would still be a good idea to find her again... But! I'm getting off topic. Miss Yumi, I've answered one of your questions. Now," he pauses, kneeling down in front of Yumi in order to reach eye level. His expression looked like a contradictory mix of serious and soft. "Could you tell me where you got that little wretch? Or how you knew to get me from the basement?"

Yumi's explanation was rather brief, talking about her adoptive mother's antique shop and escaping the teddy bear. Unfortunately for Paris, that wasn't too helpful for his situation. However, it did give him an idea where to look next. But, that would have to wait until the next day, considering he had no way of knowing exactly where this "Nora" woman's shop was until she went there in the morning. So, until then, why don't we check in with our dear reader?

Earlier in the day

The last thing you could remember had been falling asleep in a box, curled up in a fetal position. After that, the years passed by without your knowledge, except when you'd been occasionally taken out of the box. But you were never truly conscious during those times, and you could only vaguely understand what was said whenever you were. "Oo, this one's creepy." "I think it's cute!" "Do you think it's haunted?" Every time, you were always put back in your box. Always put right back to sleep by the comforting velvet which lined your silhouette. But the next time you were pulled out of your box... it was different. You had been in some sort of vehicle, moving around with the sounds of shuffling, until you reached your destination. Then, your box started moving, before you were placed on some sort of flat surface. At that point, you were awake, and could hear muffled voices outside. A female voice, not XXXX. You went limp, waiting in the darkness until your box was opened once more. "Well, isn't this a big find! A sweet little doll, and she's in almost perfect condition!" The woman you'd heard picked you up by your chest, holding tight and examining the quality in your make. The world around you looked strange, with machines you didn't quite understand. The things you could see that you understood, were old items. Toys, Pottery, But luckily you couldn't recognize any of it as XXXX's handiwork. "And a cute little basket too! I don't doubt that people will love her!" You were suddenly being moved, being sat on a counter and left while the woman turned her attention to other matters. Looking through a window, you could see it was broad daylight, so trying to escape right now would almost immediately get you caught.
Looks like you would have to wait some more to get out, but you were used to that by now. But, if you were out and about, then the question was how long the other creations would wait to wreak havoc.

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