Yuri on ice OC

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Name: Gavin Edwards

Age: 17-20(depending on rp)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Looks: Up above

Likes: Skating, eating, reading, practicing, spending time with loved ones

Dislikes: Assholes, stalkers, perverts, the paparazzi(essentially stalkers)

Personality: Gavin is the essence of a gentleman which was why he was given the name, Gentlemanly skater, and always uses soft and slow music for his routines

Best tricks: Triple axel, double loop

Family: Gavins family is in the United States, his birth place, and always welcome him back warmly when he returns from any major tournament. He has both his father and mother as well as 2 brothers and a sister, him being the oldest of the four siblings. He also has a pet Labrador at home name Willie

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