Hearts for You

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"Aerum! Wake up now and eat your breakfast!" my mom shouted from downstairs.

"Yes mom!" I replied with my eyes half open. I reached my phone and looked at it and saw his face again. He's so cute, I giggled.

I got up, fixed my bed, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and combed my hair.

I went downstairs and smelled the scent of bacon and cupcakes. I headed to the kitchen and greeted my mom and dad a good morning.

"Honey, we'll be going to the mall today, better get yourself ready."

"Sure mom" I said as I looked at the clock and it's 11:30 in the morning already.

"I woke up really late today" I said, my mom and dad approved.

"I better get ready!" I shouted and run to my room to take a shower.

As I got through taking a shower, I went out of the bathroom.

I went to my closet and opened it, I don't know what to wear. I just grabbed my blue t-shirt and a tight shorts. I tucked my t-shirt in and wore my sneakers and sling bag.

I looked at the mirror and smiled, I don't wear make up so I guess all is set and I'm ready to go.

I grabbed my phone and went out of my room. I headed downstairs but mom and dad weren't there yet so I waited for them.

After 10 minutes they went downstairs and we headed to the car.

We were on the road and we just talked about the things we'll do for today.

After 15 minutes drive we went to the restaurant.

"Table for six" My mom said and I asked her why six but she didn't reply.

We were sitting on the table but we haven't ordered yet, I asked mom for the second time but she didn't reply again.

"Oh! They're here!" Dad said and I turned around and was shocked on who I saw.

"H..Hi" I said stuttering. He greeted me back. I hugged him tight and so he did. I missed him so much. I haven't seen him for a long time. I'm so happy that he's back, for good and he won't leave no more.


Now what, it's the last day of college. We'll be having our graduation later.

"Ow! It's 5pm already. We need to go to school now." I said to my mom and dad. Someone hugged from behind, I turned around to see who it was. I hugged him after I saw him. I was so surprised that he was here.

"Ohmyyyy! Hi Krisss! My big broooooo! I miss you so muchhh!" I hugged my brother tight. I haven't seen him for 3 years because he finished his studies in Canada.

"Did mom and dad know about this?" I said and looked at my mom and dad walking down the stairs, they looked and me and they looked somewhere else. I laughed at their cuteness and called them.

"Group hug!!" I shouted. We hugged each other we headed out the house.

The car ride was filled with talks and laughters.

We arrived at the school and my parents are now looking for their seats. I went straight to our line and saw my best friend, Yena. I greeted her and she greeted me back.

"Good afternoon everyone! We'll be starting the program in a few minutes. Thank you" The MC announced.

We all get ready for the program and the parents settled down. After 5 minutes, we heared the graduation song started. The students started to march and now it's me and my partners turn to walk to our seats. We smiled to the cameras and I saw my mom smilling with tears filled up in her eyes.

Hearts for You | k.seokjin [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now