In the Woods

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"I am so sad and alone in the woods," Cody says, talking to only himself. Indeed, Cody was sad and alone in the woods. Gwen had stood him up once again, or at least that's what he thought.  Cody was completely unaware Gwen had been sarcastic when she agreed to meet him on a 'romantic date in the woods'.

Cody decides that despite the disappointing circumstances, he would enjoy himself in the beautiful wilderness. He looks around. Climb a tree? No, he definitely doesn't have the body strength for that. Collect sticks? What a bore. Swim in the nearby creek? Now that sounds like a great idea. Cody walks to the waterflow and feels the water with his finger tips. It was very hot out today, so this stream would be refreshing. "Hmm... I don't want to get my clothes wet though..." Cody ponders to himself. He looks around one last time to make sure he is truly alone, then strips down to enjoy the water.

"Charming, dashing, telegenic. These are just a few words that you radiate constantly," Noah says, emerging from the woods. Cody receives smirk from his friend, making him blush ear to ear.

"I didn't know you were around," Cody responds, not knowing what else to say. Maybe he was glad Gwen hadn't shown up after all. Although he wasn't completely sure of how he felt for this witty boy.

Noah walks over to the water, takes off his shoes, and dips his feet into the water. "It's a bit chilly, huh?" He says. Cody's clothes were visible besides Noah. The creek wasn't very deep, but deep enough to cover Cody's bottom half while sitting.

"Nah, I think its really nice out." Cody reaches for his undies. So much for keeping his clothes dry. Yet before he can even get them fully off the ground, Noah reaches out to stop him.

"You don't really need these, do you?" Noah asks playfully. He gently tears the tighty whities out of the dorks hand and puts them slightly out of reach for Cody's small arms. "I think you need new ones anyway, those outta be a bit tight with all you're packing."

"Noah!" If you thought Cody was blushing earlier, he was really blushing now. "You say such odd things." He says as he scratches the back of his head.

"Only for you, Cody." Noah begins to pick up his shoes and stands up. "But, I'll leave you alone now. Have fun with your little bath." He walks away, farther into the woods.

"Bye," Cody says watching him walk away. Once he's too far to see, Cody dresses himself and walks back home, alone, but not sad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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