❁ Chapter 3: A Lovestruck Camilo ❁

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"Uh..hey Toni!" I grinned nervously at my little brother.

"I didn't know you played gui-Mm!" shouted Antonio before I immediately covered his mouth. I shut the door and looked straight at him.

"Shh! Listen, you tell no one. This is between you and me. We don't talk about this. Okay?" I told my little brother firmly.

"Like a secret?" asked Antonio removing my hand from his mouth.

"Yes. A secret." I nodded.

"Can we have a code word?!?" cheered my brother.

"Uh..sure I guess." I shrugged. "Just don't tell anyone. Okay buddy?" I smiled at him, shaking his shoulder.

"Okay! I won't tell anyone about the jaguar." giggled Antonio winking at me.

❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁
"$30. I trust you to come back with juice, chicken, milk, flour, and shredded cheese. Before 3:00. Okay?" stated Jaqualia's tio.

"I have to go to work. I trust you to be be back before three. And if you aren't, you know exactly who'll be home. I love you Qualita, stay safe." smiled Miguel kissing Jaqualia's forehead.

Jaqualia started out the door to the supermarket, stuffing the money into her bag.

Her goal was to go to the grocery store, get the food, and get out. Without being distracted.

But apparently that wasn't in her capability.

❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁
"Antonio!" I yelled from the far side of the supermarket.

"Dolores! Have you seen Toni?" I asked my sister as she pushed the cart to the meat sections.

"No, why? You lost him again?" she giggled.

"No! I just.." I trailed off for a second.

"Okay yes." I rolled my eyes as I started to the baking isle.

"Antoniooo.." I yelled cupping my hands around my mouth.

"Camilo?" said a familiar voice from behind me.

"Antonio! Where do you keep going?" I glared at him. He chuckled.

"I was just getting cupcakes. It's almost your birthday, remember?" my little brother smiled at me holding a box of cupcakes up to my face.

"Uh huh. Just don't run of like that again, promise?" I kneeled down and held out my pinkie.

"Promise!" Antonio flashed a grin at me as he linked his pinkie with mine.

"Great! Let's go!" I cheered picking him up and giving him a piggyback ride.

"Hey Dolores! Look who I found.." I smirked at her.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get to the checkout. We don't want Pepa to be mad at us."

"Yes ma'am!" me and Antonio said in unison giving a simple salute.

❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁
"Okay Toni, do we have everything?" asked Dolores as she placed the box of cupcakes to the cashier.

"Mmm..ye..wait! We forget to get the cheese!" Antonio gasped.

"Cami, go get the cheese." ordered Dolores.

"It's Camilo!" I yelled already walking to the dairy aisle.

I looked around at the stocks and fridges. I assumed we needed shredded cheese for my tia's macaroni but I wasn't sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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