Father's day

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Bruce's pov

Dickie been acting weird lately. He's been avoiding me for days and won't let me in his room. I honest start to worry about him but Alfred told me not to worry about it. I'm the boy's father, I'm suppose to worry about him. On the 21, I heard a loud crashing sound coming from the kitchen. I ran down stairs and tried to figure out what happened. I saw Alfred cleaning the flour off Dick's face and the kitchen an entire mess.

"Dickie are you ok?" I asked worriedly as I look for injuries.

"No." Dickie said in tears.

"What happened?" I asked looking at Alfred worriedly.

"I was trying to help make pancakes for Father's Day but I just made a mess. I'm sorry I ruined Father's Day daddy." Dick said while crying his baby blue eyes out.

"Oh Dickie. You haven't ruined Father's Day. To be honest I completely forgot it was Father's Day. I love the fact that you tried to make me breakfast. I tried to make breakfast for my father on Father's Day." I explained as I picked him up and placed him on a less flour covered spot on the counter.

"Did it turn out good." Dick asked innocently.

"The fire department was almost called." Alfred answered for me.

That got him to laugh slightly.

"It was not that bad." I mumbled.

"The sprinkler were on, you were soaked and covered in flour and eggs and your mother had a fit." Alfred explained as he started to clean up the mess.

"The point is that my father understood what I was trying to do. And so do I. How about I make you pancakes and we can share them?" I suggested the same way my father did all those years ago.

"Ok daddy. Then I can give you your present!" Dick said excitedly.

"Sounds like a plan." I agreed as I placed him on my hip to go get less cracked eggs.

"I might want to stay and watch. I do not need another call front he fire department." Alfred said as he went to the small kitchen table and sat down with his paper.

We made breakfast together and it brought up memories of my parents. It makes me happy to have these memories with him. We eat the pancakes happily at the table and when we finish, Dickie runs upstairs excitedly and comes back with a gift bag.

"Happy Father's Day daddy!" Dickie shouts exictedly as he hands me a bag.

"Thank you Dickie." I said as i tak ethe bag and placed it on the table and place him in my lap.

I open the bag and pull out a stuffed bear wearing a small Robin costume. My eyes widen in shock.

"It's a robin bear. I made him and Alfred helped. My Bat bear makes me sleep better at night and I hear you shout int he middle of the night. I thought that a robin bear would help you daddy. Do you like him?" Dick explains slightly nervous.

I looked at the bear as my hands felt around the soft fur. I can't believe he actually made this for me. I hugged him tightly as I pressed a hard yet loving kiss to his cheek. He started giggling as I hugged him.

"I love him. It's perfect." I said as I cuddled him with the doll in his lap.

In the all honesty, this one Father's Day I will never forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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