Chapter 8

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After dinner Roxanne said goodbye to her guests, making sure that they left so she could just head to her room. When the Channing's left, Roxanne helped her mom with everything so that way her mom didn't have to put things away alone. After that happened, she hugged her mom and went to her room then slammed the door in anger. She felt Rose start to surface wanting to take over which sounded tempting to Roxanne because like what the fuck was her father trying to do to her and her life. She had just found her mate but wants to figure out what he is before she tells her family about him. Her eyes shifted yellow, and she looks at herself in the mirror as she let out a low growl.

She then heard tapping on her window, and she looks over and sees Lucas outside her huge window. She had to stop Rose from taking control before he comes inside. She pushes Rose back, and her eyes go back to her brown. Roxanne took off her white blazer leaving her in her tank top and her black jeans. She then goes over and unlocks the door, letting Lucas in her room.

"Hey." Lucas says with a smile on his face.

"Why are you here? I thought I was supposed to text you to let you know that my parents were asleep."

"I was hiding in the bushes kinda watching everything. All I could sense was that you were upset and that you needed me sooner."

"Well thank you. Can I please get a hug?" Roxanne asks him softly.

"Of course, love, come here."

Roxanne smiles softly and then goes and hugs him tightly. She hid her face in his chest since he was a bit taller than her. She smiles softly when he wraps her arms around her and pulls her close to him. She smiles softly when she felt Rose calm down and become content with what was going on right now.

"Lucas," Roxanne says softly.

"Yes, doll face?"

"Can you stay while I study for the test tomorrow? I don't think that I'll be able to focus because of how mad I am at my dad right now."

"Of course, I can do that. I'll stay on the floor so that way you can still focus but know that I am here." Lucas tells her.

"I like that idea." Roxanne says, pulling away from him with a soft smile on her face.

She knew that him staying on the ground while studying would be best for her and for Rose because she didn't want any more distractions. He was a good distraction right now because she's staying calm while he was here, and she was able to focus. Lucas went and sat on the floor at the edge of her bed. Roxanne went and sat on her bed and grabbed out her books that she needed to study with. She sat against her headboard and looked over at her notes as well as her book. She hums softly as she studies everything.

After about half an hour Roxanne put everything down, her brain hurting from everything that she was just studying everything that she was just looking at. She looks over at Lucas who was playing on his phone. She gently nudged him with her foot, and he looked over at her with a soft smile on his handsome face.

"Everything ok doll?" Lucas asks her.

"My brain hurts from studying too much, I could use a small break." She says with a wink.

Lucas smiles softly at her and then joins her on her bed laying near her. She doesn't mind how close he was and then just cuddles with him. She smiles when he wraps his arms around her pulling her close to him.

"Are you sure that you're ok with this love?" Lucas asks her.

"Of course, I'm ok with this Lucas. I like this."

"Like what?"

"I like being here with you in your arms, it feels nice."

"I agree with you on that, this is nice."

Roxanne smiles softly and puts her head on his chest glad that she's here with him and that her and Rose are calm. She hears him hum softly and she yawns softly cause his humming was calming to her and Rose.

"Roxanne," Lucas says softly.

"Hmm?" Roxanne says tiredly.

"You said that you were mad at your father, what did he do to make you this upset?" Lucas asks her.

"He wants me to marry some stupid airhead jock when I turn 18 and if I don't then I won't take over the family business." Roxanne says sadly.

Roxanne knew that it was sorta the truth because she didn't want to reveal what she was just in case. She also didn't want to show weakness right now because she knew that she had to stay strong. She lets out a soft groan when she felt Lucas start to rub her back in a calming manner and she loved it.

"You don't want to do that do you?" Lucas asks her.

"No, I do not. I want to be able to take over the family business and find the right person to settle down with who will support me no matter what I do." She says softly.

"I'm sure that the right one will come into your life when you least expect it."

"Yea I'm sure that he will." She says then look up at him with a soft smile on her face.

She then moved and sat on his chest, which took Lucas by surprise, but he didn't seem to mind it at all. He places his hands on the lower part of her thighs which were on either side of his body. She liked being with him like this because her and Rose were close to their mate and were happy.

"What are you doing?" Lucas asks her.

"Having confidence in myself."

"That's good, but what are you doing on my chest?"

"Your chest looked comfy, so I wanted to sit on it."

Lucas didn't say anything to her and slowly moves his hands up her thighs causing Roxanne's breath to hitch in her throat. She wonders what is going to happen because she could feel Rose wanting more to happen between them and Roxanne wasn't going to stop it this time.

'Please do more Lucas, I love this and crave this feeling so much.' Rose says in which Roxanne agrees with what she said.

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