Chapter 1

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I look out the castle window and hear a man wailing in the dark. He is sitting in the street below the castle and looking up at me, waving his arms.

"Hail the wolf-dragon!" He yells up at me. When I ask him what that means, he says, "Keep an eye on the wild dog."

"What are you talking about? Wild dogs? And what even is a wolf-dragon?" I inquire, very confused. I am so confused that I almost don't notice the assassin sneaking up behind me.

Quickly, I turn around, yank the dagger from the assassin's hand, and stab them in the chest. I lay them silently against the wall.

Then, I yank the mask off of the assassin's face to see what they look like.
I don't recognize them, which isn't a surprise. With so many enemies, it is hard to keep track of them all.

I throughly search their clothes to see if they have anything that could associate them with any of the terrorist groups that roam around here. They don't. Perhaps they were hired to kill me, or maybe they had their own reason.

Unsettled, I find my mind straying back to the man that was outside. What did he mean by the wolf-dragon and wild dog? Was he warning me of the assassin? Or was he trying to distract me? I guess I'll never know, he probably isn't there anymore.

Nevertheless, I end up going back to the window. I figure it can't hurt to check. Maybe he is still there and I can ask him what he meant before.

I go to the window and look around. He is still there so I don't waste any time and quickly call down to him.
"Hello? Who are you? And what did you mean by that stuff you said before?" I yell, leaning far out the window. I worry that someone is going to come up behind me and push me out so I take a quick glance behind me. Once I am satisfied that no one is there, I focus all if my attention on the man. "Hello? Sir, can you hear me?" I yell again, louder.

"Avoid dog noise!" He shouts. I shake my head, he's probably drunk or something. Just when I am about to turn around, he shouts something I do understand. "Wait!"

I turn around and look down at him again.

"Yes? What is it?" I ask.

"Finally, something I can actually say. I will explain everything."

"Great! Thank you!" I reply with relief.

"Trade means you." He says.

"What? Is this some kind of joke? Please, explain in words I understand."

"That is past."

"What do you mean? Are you just trying to waste my time?" I say, exasperated.

"No! That is past!"

"Okay, you know what? Just say it one word at a time. Maybe I misheard you."

"I... Can't... Tell... You... Oh wait, did you hear that?"

     "Uh, yeah?"

     "Yes!  I found a way to say what I want to tell you!  But it probably won't work for long."

     "Okay then, now that you know how, tell me everything.  You have a lot of explaining to do."

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