All the first years were sorted and Dumbledore was doing his speech as he does.
Lorelai was dazing off not wanting to hear the speech again
as it was the same thing every year, 'Don't go in the forbidden
forest, curfew, house point' She's heard the speech 5
times and she didn't want to hear it again, she didn't trust
Dumbledore, nor will she ever. She was glad to be back at
Hogwarts, it was always like a home to her, she didn't have to
worry about being perfect or acting all prejudiced, she could be herself.
"Eat up" She looked to see he was done and food has appeared."Rory, you ok? you were spacing off the whole speech."
Freya asked Rory turned her head to her friend "peachy"
she said giving a sarcastic smile, Freya rolled her eyes.
Ruby put some food on Rory's plate "Eat"
"Ladies" the girls looked up to
see Evan and Regulus walking towards them.
"Evan, Regulus, how was your summer,"
Ruby said before taking a bit of the chicken,
"Well as you must know, my dear mother and father want me to get a
tattoo if you know what I mean," Evan said taking a seat.
"Ugh don't please, I've already heard about it all summer,"
Rory said putting her head in her hands. Regulus
gave her a half-smile
"Same ever since Sirius left it's all they care about"
Ruby gave the younger boy a comforting smile
"I'm really sorry Reg""It's whatever, I don't even care anymore,"
he said pretending like it didn't hurt.As everyone was talking she looked up from her plate to see
Remus lupin looking at her, he was looking at her with a confused face,
Rory raised an eyebrow at him when he realise she saw him looking at her.
He shot his head to the side as tho he wasn't even looking at her, pretending to talk to his friends even though he had no clue what they were talking about.
Rory chuckled at his actions, shes never talked to the boy, although he seemed nice.
Rory took a bite of the mashed potatoes that were on her plate,
"Hey, do you guys wanna have a party tomorrow? I mean it is Friday."
Freya suggested, "I'm down," Rory said
Everyone else agreed and Freya went to talk to the head boy and girl about it.-------------
"Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts, We wish for you all to
have a fun year, but with the fun comes rules,
the forbidden forest is forbidden you must stay away,
it is dangerous, curfew is at 9, you can gain
house points as fast as you can lose house points,
at the end of the year, we will see which
house as the most. Now I know you are all hungry so eat up"
Remus looked to see food appeared and he moved his hand to
grab a chocolate truffle. "So what do we have planned this year,"
James said with a smirk "We have N.E.W.T's next year so we may have to study a bit"
Remus suggested, Sirius groaned
"Nooo, this is the last year where we don't have to worry about studies let's have fun"
Remus nodded looking forward to seeing a dirty blonde hair girl,
she was looking down at her plate while her friends talked,
she was hanging out with Regulus black, even rosier, ruby nott,
and Freya sewlyn, It was obvious she was a pureblood.
Remus nudged Sirius "Who is that," He asked to point at the girl,
Sirius looked over confused "Oh that's lorelei Greengrass,
but she goes by Rory, I think? she would hang out with me and Regulus
when our families would hang out, she's nice," Sirius said, Remus nodded
"Why'd you wanna know?" Sirius said looking at his friend with a smirk.
Remus's face went red "N-No reason" He said
(Yes Remus stuttered but in a nervous way not a y/n way)'mhm' Sirius said unconvinced. He turned back to eating as Remus looked back at Lorelei,
He didn't understand why but he couldn't stop looking at her,
he noticed how she seemed distracted but still paid attention at the same time,
he noticed how when she laughed her nose scrunched up just a bit.
He didn't realize that she saw him looking at her, she rose a brow at him,
Remus looked away as quickly as he could to Sirius, he pretended to know what they were talking about. he kept nodding.Peter gave him a weird look "You ok moony"
"Ya uh full moon," Remus said as an excused,
Peter looked even more confused "The full moon was last week though"
Remus now looked shocked "really? man time flies,"
Remus said Nervously laughing "Ya, are you high?" Peter said in a low whisper
"NOo, just um nervous for N.E.W.Ts"
"Oh, well there next year so you have time" Peter reassured, Remus, nodded.The rest of that day Remus couldn't get his min off Lorelei Greengrass, and he hated it.
i know this is a short chapter but its the feat chapter kinda how they met a bit.
Qotd: fav Harry potter movie and book
My answer: Movie= Poa Book=Ootp
have a lovely day
bye <3

Just the two of us
FanfictionForbidden love is a beautiful thing, tragic, but beautiful. ------- Rory Greengrass Pure-blood, Slytherin, in love with Remus lupin Remus lupin Half-blood, Gryffindor, in love with Rory Greengrass. They live total opposite lives yet somehow met. ...