My soulmate

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Sabrina's pov:

You think it would be easy to fine you soulmate when you are constantly in contact with them in your head. You would think that with them being able to ask whatever question they want and you being able to answer in your mind you would find them at least within a few months. But no. I had to get the most stubborn soulmate to ever exist. No matter what I ask they always find someway to avoid the question or tease me about it. I turned eighteen, five months ago and they're still stubborn and won't let me in on any piece of information about them. They're still avoiding answering anything that could help me find them.

'Morning'I mutter in my head as I sit up in bed
'Good morning sleepy head, how'd you sleep?' Their voice echo's through my head causing me to roll my eyes
'Fine when you actually let me get some sleep' I mentally reply. I hear their chuckle echo in my skull
'Not my fault. I just wanted to talk to you'
'But you refuse to tell me anything to find you in person. We could be having an in person conversation right now. But no, you refuse to tell me anything'
'What can I say? I like the mystery'
'Well I don't'
'I know. That's what makes it so much more fun'
I groan aloud and run a hand down my face
'You're lucky you're my soulmate. Otherwise I would hate you' I mentally snap at them
'I am very lucky' I hear them snicker before they let out a hearty chuckle 'when the times right my love. I promise'
'You've been saying that for the past five months'
'It'll come soon'
I groan and get out of bed before getting ready for the day.

"Hey sab" my best friend Toni speaks as I get in her car
"Hey Toni" I mutter
"Not a good start to the day?" She questions
"I swear to god. I have the most stubborn soulmate. And it's driving me absolutely insane"
"They still haven't told you anything?"
"Nope" I reply, popping the P
She signs and places a hand on my shoulder as she pulls out into the road and we start to drive to school "it'll come. I'm sure they're just scared" I scoff aloud and repeat her words in my head
'I'm not scared. Who does she think she is calling me scared' my soulmate speaks in my head causing a small smile to pull at my lips
'Be nice'
'Say hi to her for me'
"My soulmate says hi" I speak towards the red head. She smiles and nods happily
"So they are nice" and shrug
'Nice when they want to do be' I think
'Oi, don't you start too. I am nice'
I chuckle and rub my temples gently. We pull up to the school and I get out of the car. We walk through the halls towards our first class. Y/n walks past me, their y/e/c eyes locking with mine. They smile softly at me before continuing to walk in the direction of their class. They're so hot. How can someone I've never talked to before make my heart race like that. I shake my head and look at the floor as I walk

'Godamn' I mentally mutter
'What?' Their voice echos in my head
'Nothing' I reply as I step into class and take a seat
'Stop drooling over someone else'  their voice echos
'I wasn't' I snap back
'Happens the same time every morning. I know what's up'
I mentally scoff and roll my eyes
'Still going to play hard to get today?'
''maybe I should tell you something. Keep you on your toes'
I mentally scoff again
'Like something you say could keep me on my toes' I mentally reply back
Oh how wrong I am. When they decide to random tell me their school name. My jaw almost touches the floor. I excuse myself from class and walk into the bathroom. What the actual fuck. They've been this close the whole time and I've had no clue


"Hey sab. How was classes?" Toni asks as I get into her car
"They go to our school"
Toni raises an eyebrow at me "who?"
"My soulmate. They go to our school. They told me today"
"They didn't tell you anything else?"
"No" I mumble
"Of course they didn't" she sighs "do you have any idea who it is?"
"No" I mumble again "there's so many people"
She hums and nods before we start to drive back towards my house
"They're making this so much harder then they need to" I speak up. She nods
"I know. But the time will come"
"What if it doesn't? What if they don't want to find me? You and kai have been together from the moment he turned eighteen. You found each other straight away. They won't even tell me more than the school name"
"Like I said. They're probably scared Sab" 
I nod and look down at my hands in my lap.

Sabrina Carpenter Imagines ♡Where stories live. Discover now