27: Geez, June, stop interrupting me!

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We finished the rest of the movie by about twelve in the afternoon. And the rest of the time? We went out again. Jasper abandoned all of his pending work just for the sake of making me feel better and I tried my best to persuade him not to do so - that I was just grumpy, had mood swings due to my intense cramps and that such dumb demands of mine shouldn't even be taken into consideration, even if I become grumpy. But he waved me off, "No, I'd rather not. June, even I'm getting bored spending the whole day in an enclosed space."

He didn't let me speak anymore, as usual.

The next thing I knew was him dragging me to the door and outside. We went to the mall yet again, had lunch from there, then went out to explore the streets for the second time. Maybe it'll get boring soon, but walking through that fresh space felt like heaven now. There were shops all around but they did not hide the beautiful greenery and atmosphere surrounding it. It had been warm till sometime, but there was a sudden climate change after a couple of minutes and it was suddenly so cold and chilly that I had to borrow the jacket Jasper had been wearing over his blue sweatshirt. I sometimes wonder if he can predict the weather and that's the reason why he wears sweatshirts all the time, even a jacket alongside it.

Unfortunately, the jacket didn't help at all. I had already been exposed to the intense cold for so long.

"Achoo!" I sneezed for the umpteenth time as I walked on the footpath, hugging the jacket close to my chest and rubbing my hands to keep them warm. I didn't have gloves to cover my hands. Another sneeze started to form but went back along it's way and I rubbed my nose, sniffling a little, irritated at the feeling of my nose tickle whenever the sneeze went back. That feeling was just annoying.

"June, I know I'm asking this for the hundredth time this day, but - shouldn't we really go back?" Jasper asked, concerned. He scanned me now and then, noting any remarks of an upcoming fever of flu. Until now, it seemed like a simple cold.

"Ugh, Jasper, it's just a cold," I rolled my eyes, "And I'm bound to get a cold once a month."

He glanced at me with a weird look, "That means you're not healthy enough. Y'know, flu isn't a regular phenomenon for you to predict that it'll be there every month. It's a sickness. You should check it up."

"I know, Sherlock," I responded, "I meant that colds are pretty common and not something to be worried about."

"Unless you don't want your nose to feel like it's exploding."

"It won't. I usually have mild colds."

He sighed, "Look, June, you can never predict something like this. A flu can turn into a fever or even something worse if you don't look after yourself well. And from what I know, you don't."

I paused for a minute, then groaned and continued walking, thinking that colds were indeed pretty common and not as exaggerated as he said it to be, "You're just too concerned."

"Yes, I am and I'm supposed to be so. But you're too careless and that's not how it's supposed to be."

I ignored him this time. Dad said things like this all the time and I never had problems when I ignored it, because they were pretty much just parent-concerns and nothing more. Jasper's rants are probably just bodyguard-concerns and nothing more. Being locked up in a room all day and not enjoying things you usually do, just because of a little cold, sounds absolutely dumb to me.

Looking behind, I saw Jasper following me with a hesitant sort of posture and his expression revealing the fact that he wanted to take me back to the hotel right at this second but couldn't because of my compelling. Well, at least he respected my choice this time. Not that he doesn't, he lets me do almost whatever I want - as long as it's safe - but sometimes the concern bothers me a lot, just like when dad cares about me too much.

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