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(Author: I'm trying sooo hard to sqeeze in chapters into this book for you guys 😖 hope u REALLY enjoy. Also, I know that it looks like the girl in the picture isn't bleeding. 😝)

Raven POV

I opened my eyes. I saw and felt and smelt nothing... Nothing...

I stood up and started to walk...

I don't know... After a few seconds I saw a women. The same one again too. I don't know why. It's not like there's a reason. Unless there is...

The woman was laying in a bed.

Then something hit me. The white sheets and her back was covered in blood..

I covered my mouth in shock. Someone pined a pair of fake wings to her. Her face looked pained.

Her light green hair was tied into a bun and clipped with a hair clip.

I stopped looking at her and looked around. I was now in a room?

The same room?

I heard the door click open and saw the most fucking wort person in the world.


What does the fucking bastard ha- Wait.. What the fuck....

This fucking bastard... Have something to do with this innocent...


I started to step backwards.

As I walked backwards I saw the picture of the And dad.. Disappear.

(Author: Okay okay. For the doods that already know the story until the end, umm. I forgot 😝 ok keep reading)

I turned around to see where I was going.

She can't possibly be my mom. I mean... I've never meet her. And everyone I meet can't just be my mom.

The tears I tried to push in burned and begged to come out. Until, I finally gave in and let the tears drip down my face.

I mean... I wanted to believe it... But it couldn't of been mom...

It was that again...

That dream... I saw a little girl that looked like me.. and my father... and that woman..

"GET OUT!!" I saw my dad shout thought the dream.

The little girl started crying and ran out through choking tears saying that it was her birthday.

I remember that day...

The woman was laying on the bed. In this dream she didn't have her "wings".

My eyes widen from shock that overcame me.


That's all I could think of.


That's it...

(Author: 😖😋)

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