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when jungkook screamed his lung out to push the thing from his chest harsly and the thing immediately fall on the ground with loud thud...

he then slowly went near the bed side and looks at the thing slowly groaned.but he seriously couldn't understand what the thing is this actually....looking so huge.he never saw in his life that kind of animal.wait is it any animal?again he looked at the thing.its black messy furr moving.

'what can I do now?what if I shouted again and that thing again attacked me...no no..' jungkook said crying dramatically bit his lips

'wait..why can't I turn on the light? jungkook seriously you are a idiot' he mumbled to himself and went near the night stand and turn on the light....then he turned around and looked at the thing with shocked eyes.

He immediately covered his mouth with hand couldn't believe what he just saw...

'ahh...my back.it hurts like hell' that thing said with painfully.

Jungkook seriously now doesn't know what to say now.but he slowly said with his shocked eyes:

't-ae is that you?'

taehyung painfully nodded his head.jungkook rushed to him and help him to get up from there....

'tae I am sorry...I didn't know is that you..I am really sorry' jungkook said with hurtful voice.he is angry at Tae but he didn't mean to hurt him...

'aish koo baby..don't feel sorry.its not your fault.' taehyung said with his reassuring smile bcz his wife is near to break down

Jungkook helped him lean in the bed hardboard and placed his both legs on the bed.

'tae...is it that painful?tell me are you feeling so much pain?' jungkook said his eyes already filled with tears.

Taehyung laughed to see his condition and shook his head.

'nah...it's not that painful.' taehyung said

'no you lied...now turn back.i want to see it..then I will apply you the medicine.then you don't feel any pain' jungkook said last sentence smiling.

Taehyung lost to see his wife smile.thats why first he didn't notice what his wife just said to him.without any care he blutered:
'ok'.....looking at him stupidly....

jungkook frowned when taehyung didnot move...that's why he again spoke:

'turn Tae...what are you waiting for?

'huh??why would I turn?' taehyung said confusedly...

'i want to see it and then apply the medicine there' jungkook said tried to turn Tae..

Taehyung now widened his...he doesn't know kook said that to him

'what??no no...koo baby it's nothing painful.i am ok baby' taehyung said tried to understand him that he can't see his fucking ass.but here his wife started his stubborness.(bcz jungkook doesn't know where he got hurt)

'noo Tae...I know it's hurt.i see you groaned in pain.why are you denied that?' jungkook said again tried turn taehyung

'baby...it's nothing.please try to understand.if it would that much pain,I would have told you.' taehyung said and prayed he will understand now.

Jungkook pouting but agreed it anyways.taehyung sighs peacefully.
He never ever shows him where he actually got hurt.

jungkook turned but again turned to taehyung and said confusedly:

'one second...what are you doing here? arenot you in your room?'

taehyung nervously scratch his neck and laughed:

Respect [taekook]	✓Where stories live. Discover now