jeon mayer.

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 meeting his girlfriend's family was something that allowed jeon jungkook to know more about her, particularly a side to her that he'd never seen before. he learned from her mother that park chaeyoung had a "tomboy" phase for some time, where she refused to wear anything remotely close to the colour pink, which he found ironic considering her love for the colour (specifically, baby pink). from her father, she learned that park chaeyoung was actually quite rebellious in nature—when he and his wife were out of state for business, she'd host parties in their house and drive around without a license (that's right, even at the age of 13/14) and was smart enough to fill the tank just enough as before they left. she'd gotten caught however when there was an error in the cctv footage, and mr park accidentally looked back at the recording for a month prior to find it. then, she learned about his girlfriends picky music taste and how she had to force herself to listen to k-pop as soon as she got the offer, because she'd had an ipod filled with only a certain number of songs, with 90% of them being john mayer songs.

he admits he'd never heard of the artist before until alice mentioned him, and made it a point to learn more about him and his music the night later. and that's how he found himself down a rabbithole of content, practically memorizing "half my heart" and "slow dancing in a burning room" by the following morning, despite his usual struggle to recognize english lyrics.

jeon jungkook is a new fan. he likes the song, the tone of john mayer's voice and the lyrics so and he admits that john mayer is a very attractive guy. it's no surprise to him to learn that the artist had a reputation for being a player. in fact, he plays "your body is a wonderland" on the following anniversary dinner as they get into a heated make out session.

jeon jungkook is indeed a fan, so much that he suggests to his girlfriend to sing his song for a show she does.

she wins a lot of hearts that day and he's proud.

that is, until he gets the ultimate compliment—a guitar and note from john mayer himself.

"babe, you have a package it's so big it must be something meaningful," he calls out, bringing the big box to the middle of the living room.

she's wearing nothing but his flannel button up, hair still messy as she drags her slippered feet to him, going on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. wearing her reading glasses (which he finds, very very hot on her), he chuckles when the rim hits the side of his cheek. he doesn't mind.

"i'll rather unbox you—" she teases.

he puts his fingers over her lips, "... don't tempt me."

she chuckles, and he likes the way her hair cascades messily as she walks to the package, lethargically unboxing it. he goes to the other side of the room, heading to the kitchen to prepare her coffee when he suddenly hears the loudest gasp from her. jeon jungkook runs to her in panic, seeing her tearing up with hands shaking in excitement.

"JOHN MAYER SENT ME A GUITAR, OH MY FRICKEN GOD!" she yells in so much excitement, "... my life is complete, wait i need to tell the girls."

before he could congratulate her, she's running back to her bedroom to retrieve her phone. he smiles.

jeon jungkook is proud of his girlfriend.


perhaps, this is the price of having a talented girlfriend.

it's been twelve hours since park chaeyoung opened the present and she's barely eaten all day and has been strumming with the guitar all afternoon, only taking a break when she got the notification that john mayer tweeted and mentioned her on his social media. at first, he was really happy— but it's 11pm and even when they're in bed together, he knows she's not sleeping. letting go of his arm around her waist, he sends a kiss on her cheek.


"what do you mean?" she asks confusingly.

"you want to play more with the guitar, right?" he knows her so well.

"i love you!" she kisses him, "... i seriously can't sleep!"

she rushes to the living room, closing the bedroom door in the process.

he sleeps alone that night, because by morning, he finds out that she didn't sleep at all.


they're attending a party in a beach house in jeju and jeon jungkook finds himself annoyed. it seems as though everyone has forgotten about him, since they're all crowding around his girlfriend and all he can hear is the way everyone keeps talking about john mayer.

"fucking cunt," he curses under his breath, taking another sip of his whiskey.

fuck you john mayer.

she finally makes her way towards him, pouting when she sees his evident frown.

"what's wrong baby?" she leans in to kiss him, but he turns his head away.

she frowns in response.

"are you angry at me? what's wrong?"

he scoffs, "... whatever, i'm fine. are you sure it's me you want to be your boyfriend and not fucking john mayer?"

she gasps.

"jungkook! that's not appro—"

they fight that day, and chaeyoung decides to sleep in the hotel room with jennie while he sleeps alone.


the flight back to seoul is awkward. obviously, the pair booked seats together and they're sitting side by side. she hasn't even looked at him the whole time between their argument and the plane ride. when they are about to leave the airport (through the vip exit), jung hoseok makes a joke that the love birds are fighting. the pair rarely fight, and they certainly don't want it to be something that everyone knows about.

"we're fine," they reply in unison, causing for her eyes to widen as she looks at him for the first time.

"just tired," he completes and she nods, reaching her hand out to him.

when they get to the car, jeon jungkook stops in the parking space.

"i'm sorry," he finally breathes, and it feels like the weight of the world has been lifted from his shoulders.

she turns, "... for?"

"being rude, i didn't mean it, i was just jealous," he explains, "... i was being a jealous boyfriend."

"you were," she nods, "... and i'm sorry if I've been neglecting you."

"are we good?" he asks, turning, his hand on her thigh, squeezing it.

"yes, let's have some ice cream and watch netflix tonight."


when they get back home, park chaeyoung pins him to the back of the door, kissing him with a passion he'd never experience before.

"i'm a fan of john mayer," she breathes, her hands gently cupping both his cheeks which are flushed at the bold gesture, "... but i come home and look forward to my jeon mayer every night, who get's certain privileges every night."

"hmm? what kind of privileges?" he teases, before leaning in for a kiss.

before he can, he feels her hand reaching for his, guiding it towards her neck, before grazing it undernearth her shirt.

"find out for yourself, jeon."

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