Chapter 8 - Newcomer

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Yoongi wasn't displeased with having Amelia in the house

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Yoongi wasn't displeased with having Amelia in the house. It was much the opposite, actually. Maybe because he had been living with six men for almost two hundred years now, so having a girl in the house was a bit refreshing.

Her personality was stronger than he thought. She wasn’t exactly the soft, delicate and lovely type. She was moody at times, sassy, always had an answer at the tip of her tongue. And Yoongi was always amused to see how her personality had begun to clash with Namjoon’s. Namjoon was way too cocky and arrogant and Amelia didn’t particularly appreciate it.

Things with Taehyung were also calmer. He ignored her presence most times, only speaking to her if needed. But Amelia also didn’t stay quiet in case Taehyung complained or threw comments at her.

And damn, the change in Jungkook’s behavior was mind-blowing. The guy usually isolated himself as much as possible. He wasn’t particularly the extrovert type, he liked his time alone. Now, with Amelia around, he actually made an effort to spend more time with the guys. Yoongi failed to understand if it was because he didn’t like Amelia spending too much time surrounded by the other vampires in the house, or if he was indeed trying to be more sociable.

It was good either way..

Right now, Amelia was sitting on the bar stool, in the kitchen, at the island counter, chin rested on the palms of her hands, amused by seeing Yoongi go around the kitchen a bit flustered about the pasta he was cooking and the muffins he had in the oven. It was his turn to cook dinner and he definitely bit more than he could chew.

“Are you sure you don’t need help? My cooking skills are a blasphemy, but I can still help with something.” She asked after a bit, trying hard to not laugh at the man’s fluster.

“Jungkook will beat my ass into oblivion if he even suspects I let you help.” Yoongi grumbled back.

“I’m not an invalid… I can still help, you know? I feel much better.”

Yoongi smiled and shook his head while stirring the food again.

“Fine. Can you take the muffins out of the oven, then? I don’t know why I thought they were a good idea.”

Amelia got out of the bar stool and went around the kitchen to grab some mittens and then remove the golden, puffy treats out of the oven. She awed a little at the muffins and then placed them on the counter to cool.

“Where’s Jin? He usually likes to help in the kitchen.” Amelia casually asked, arranging the muffins on a cooling tray.

“He’s with Jimin, Tae and Jungkook in the office. They’re sorting out some sort of schedule for us to start patrolling around the city again. And which areas too.”

He saw Amelia tense a bit and lower her gaze to the muffins completely. Her once light hearted stare was now harder and more tense.

“You think their activities are worse?” Her voice was lower, now. Stiffer.

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