Chapter 5

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Hey guys! I'm still trying to write longer chapters but It's really hard. I've also started noticing that it's kinda looking like a Pretty Little Liars story... NOT THE INTENTION!!! But I'll run with it. I'm sorry that I haven't been writing a whole lot lately, I've had a lot going on. :/ So I hope you enjoy and continue to read!! Don't forget to vote and comment, I could really use the support!!<3 


After they got the fire put out, one of the firemen came over to our group with some of the things they salvaged from Cali's room. They told her that all but three or four things in her closet were saved as well. I bet she was happy she closed the door for once. 

In the pile they handed her was her painting she had on the wall she'd finished not to long ago, a baby blanket she'd bought her mom before her baby sister died, and some of the pictures off of her wall. All of them of her and Jason.

As soon as she saw the pictures she fell to her knees. She couldn't stop crying. I knelt down beside her and put my hand on her shoulder. I looked into her eyes. She was so messed up about everything thats happened lately. 

I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes.  I just let it all go and started bawling next to her on the ground. Marshall looked upset but not near as much as Cali and me. He sat on the ground next to us and pulled us both closer to him. He kissed me on the forehead and held us.  


Cali and I spent the next few nights at Marshall's apartment. I loved being there with him, a bedroom all to ourselves. It was small but it was ours.

Cali spent that week home from school. She tried going back one day but she just got a thousand sad stares and she couldn't handle it. She ended up spending all of her time hiding away in Jason's room. Her mom let her stay with Marshall and I while the house was under repair. 

I had officially moved out of my dad's house and in with Marshall. My dad really didn't seem to care all that much, but then again he was probably drunk.

As far as I know Marshall stopped seeing Zoe. I'm not trying to sound possessive or anything but I went through his phone the other night and found out that he hasn't texted her back since Jason went missing. I had a smile on my face the rest of that night.  He was asking me about it all night long, I just kept telling him I was happy he was mine, and I was.

I saw Zoe with another one of her boy toys when I went to Walmart this morning. I couldn't help called cough "Whore" when I walked by her. She just stuck up her nose grabbed her new toy and walked away. 

When I got home, Cali was still in Jason's room and Marshall was laying on the couch watching cartoons. 

"Hey babe." he say looking up at me smiling.

"Hey," I lean over to kiss him and he pulls me down on top of him and rolls over on top of me.

"I love you." He smiles. 

"I love you too." He kisses me again. 

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I look at tthe text, but the number is restricted, so I ignored it.

"Who was that?" 

"No clue" I looked at him. I loved everything about him. "So whats up?"

"What are you doing tonight?" 

"Tonight? I don't know. I was going to try to get Cali out of the house but she's still really messed up about the Jason thing." I look up at him. I know it still hurts to talk about Jason being gone. They've been best friends since they were in fourth grade. I felt so bad. "Why? What did you have in mind?" 

"I was hoping that we could maybe have a date night." It's been weeks since we actually went out. We've been coupped up here with Cali because she refuses to leave.

"Alright. That would be great." I smiled up at him. He gets up and then pulls me to my feet in front of him. 

"Okay, but what do you want to do now?" He winks at me, picks me up and kisses me. 

"Hmm. What to do? What to do?" I giggle for a second. Then he carries me back to his room.

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