Chapter 32 - The Next Chapter

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A/N: Here it is! The last chapter. I'm planning to write another book, not sure the title yet. I will update here with a link once I begin writing that book. Overall, that book will be based on Emma starting as a fourth year and surrounding the TriWizard Championship. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Please let me some comments with any feedback!

When Emma awoke later that afternoon, Madam Pomfrey had a bag ready of medical supplies for Emma to take with to continue to dress her wounds. There were a few potions she had included for continued healing. Madam Pomfrey reviewed all of her orders, before Emma was free to go. Emma was happy to be leaving. She was just thankful to be alive, really. When she walked out of the hospital wing, she remembered that she didn't even know where she was headed. 'What now', she thought. For the past year, someone has been telling her where to live or how to live. She was always supposed to be hidden. Now, all of that was behind her. Was today the day she went back to the muggle world?

Emma decided to visit Dumbledore's office. Afterall, he did say he wanted to meet with her. She made her way to the spiral staircase, whispered the password, and proceeded to the office door. Emma went to knock, but the door opened on its own. Emma walked in. Dumbledore was standing at an area behind his desk. He appeared to be going through some papers. "Ah, Ms. Brown. Glad to see you're out of the hospital. I figured you would pay me a visit."

Emma walked over and sat down in front of Dumbledore's desk. Dumbledore also sat down behind his desk. "You seem troubled, Ms. Brown."

Emma knew Dumbledore was just trying to get her to talk. Surely, in all his wisdom, he knew why she was feeling the way she was. "Well, I mean, Sirius is dead. I'm not exactly sure what's next for me. I was living at Grimmauld Place in hiding. Am I still in hiding? Am I going back to the muggle world? I don't even know what comes after this meeting." Emma couldn't tell if she was feeling more depressed or frustrated.

"All good questions. In terms of you returning to the muggle world, that, Ms. Brown, is up to you. We can certainly make arrangements for you to do so." He reached for something in his desk drawer. "Although, if you chose to stay here, I do believe this belongs to you." Dumbledore handed Emma her wand.

"I keep forgetting about that thing." Emma gave a slight chuckle.

Dumbledore was giving the slightest of a smile. "Ah, yes. I can only imagine it would take some getting used to, especially since you haven't always been a witch." Dumbledore continued to stare at Emma, the same slight smile on her face. Emma was looking at her wand, rubbing it through her fingers as if she has never really examined the finer details of it. "I expect there's something else on your mind, Ms. Brown."

Emma looked back up at Dumbledore. She couldn't tell him about Remus. Not sure what else to say, Emma added "Well, I guess I'm just not sure about where I'm going to live if I would stay here. Or about a job or anything."

Dumbledore got up and walked around the desk to stand next to Emma. "You know what I always do when I need to ponder something? I like to go down and sit by the lake. Look out over the clear water and my thoughts often come to me."

"What?" Emma was not sure if she should be upset or feel comforted. 'What kind of advice was this?' Emma thought to herself. Before she knew it, Dumbledore had motioned his arm, signaling Emma that the meeting was over. Emma walked slowly out of the office, looking back at Dumbledore, who only gave her a slight nod and his slight smile.

Emma walked out of the hallway, down the spiral staircase, and was headed out of the castle. The hallways were surprisingly quiet.

Emma didn't know why, but she decided to make her way down to the lake. At least it would give her a place to clear her thoughts, not that she found Dumbledore's response to all of her questions particularly helpful. Emma made her way down the long hill. She realized how free she felt. Even though she felt alone, she felt free. She didn't need to hide anymore. She was thinking about her muggle job. Emma enjoyed being a therapist and helping others. She felt compelled to stay in this line of work. She wasn't aware that there was an equivalent position in the wizarding world. She looked down at her wand, as she continued walking. Did she really want to stay here? Did she want to go back?

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