~ Chapter 6: Celebration ~

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The next morning, I woke up and walked downstairs. I sat at the dining table this time and Leslie brought my breakfast to me. I surely didn't want to repeat what happened last time. "Goodmorning Ms. Withermore." Leslie said as she brought my plate to the table. I looked up at her. "Thank you Leslie."

She walked away as I picked up my fork and started to eat my breakfast, she had prepared pancakes and sausage. It smelled absolutely delicious. I was starving. Suddenly, I heard a chair screech on the floor.

I looked to my right and saw Enzo sit in the chair while Leslie brought another plate of food. I could feel eyes staring at me and I knew it was him. "Hello." He said. I looked around with a piece of pancake in my mouth. "Hi?" I replied. "How did you sleep?" He asked. I swallowed my food and took a drink of coffee. "Fine." I told him.

He took a bite of his food. "I have a favor to ask." I set down my utensil and looked at him. "Let me guess, you want me to get married to you right now?" I said sarcastically. His facial expression changed as he tilted his head slightly.

"No Rosaline." "At least not yet." I looked away and continued eating. "No. I wanted you to go with me to a spring ball that some of my so called friends are having."

I dropped my utensil as my eyes got wide. A chuckle came out of my mouth as I burst out laughing. "That's hilarious." I replied. "You really think that all your fancy friends are going to approve me?" I tried my best to stop laughing. And when I did I waited for his response. "I can't even imagine what they will say when they find out you litterally dragged me off of the street."

He rolled his eyes. "Look Rosaline." "This party is very important to me." "This is a chance for you to get to know who you will be spending a lot of time with." "And for you to get used to this lifestyle." I gulped. I didn't want to meet these people. I didn't even want to be associated with them.

I took a deep breath and breathed back out. "You know what Enzo. Fine." "I will go to this stupid ball of yours, because I am just so nice." I said as I batted my eyes at him. He smiled ever so slightly.

"Perfect Ms. Withermore." He said. "The party starts in a few hours." "So I will send Leslie to get you dressed, and so she can do your makeup." I looked at him confused. "Why?" "I am pretty sure I can manage doing my makeup and stuff on my own." He sighed. "It's not being rude Rosaline." "I just need you to look good for this ball." I narrowed my eyes and didn't say anything for the rest of breakfast. After a little while I went back up to my room and just rested and watched some T.V.

I was constantly looking around the room trying to find some sort of object that I could use to escape from here. But everytime I would think I had SOMETHING it would turn out to be absolutely nothing.

Leslie finally came up, and she had me sit down on a chair in the bathroom so she could do my hair and makeup. She started to curl my hair with a curling iron. "How are you doing so far Ms. Withermore?" She asked. I sighed. "I would be lieing if I said I was doing ok." I replied. "I hate it here." I told her trying not to get so upset. I could tell that she was not in shock. "Do you mind if I give you some advice Ms. Withermore?" Leslie said. I looked down and looked in the mirror, and saw her curling my hair. "Sure."

She took a deep breath and replied. "I see how you and Mr. Brown talk to each other." "And I can see why your not happy." "Believe me I get it." "But, Enzo is not as bad as he seems." She said with a smirk. I shook my head. "Yeah right." "After everything he has done so far, I don't think he has a care in the world about me or what I want." Her eyes dropped. "Believe me, that's not what he thinks at all." "He has been through a lot as a kid." "I would rather not tell you, because that's not my place to."

"But just promise me that you will give him a chance." She said quietly. My smile dropped as I breathed a little heavy.

When Leslie was done with my hair, she did my makeup and then we went to pick out a dress. We ended up picking out red dress that was in the style, mermaid. It had a v-neck just a little bit at the top of my chest. I had a pearl necklace on, with black heels. Once everything was done I gave Leslie a hug and told her thank you.

I walked out of my room and walked down the steps. And of course Enzo was waiting there. His black tux fit him like a glove. His shoes were shined to perfection and his hair was just like it always was but I didn't mind.

Enzo's eyes explored my body looking at every inch of it. All though, deep down I wished it was his hands. I got to the bottom of the steps and nodded. "Wow Ms. Withermore." He paused. "You like absolutely stunning." He said with a big smile. Probably the biggest smile I have ever seen. I smiled back. "Shall we?" He said. I shook my head. We walked out the door and got into the car. It was a huge limo.

I had only ever seen one in movies, this was spectacular. The driver began to drive as me and Enzo just sat there looking out the window. "Leslie did a good job." He said. My eyes parted and looked his way but my body language didn't change.

"Yes she did." I replied trying to be polite. "You will enjoy this little party that my friends are hosting Rosaline."
"They throw a spring ball every year." "It always turns out to be one of the better parties of the year." I nodded. "I am warning you." "These people can be viscous and they will comment you, your appearance anything." He said. "Because they are--" "Rich, Snotty?" I interrupted him. "Yeah I know." I crossed my arms and looked back at him.

"You seriously are the most stubborn person ever." He said while laughing. I smirked and raised my eyebrow. "Tell me something I don't know." I whispered. Oh no. I immediately regretted what I said. That sounded more sexy and not powerful. Enzo's head tilted. "Ok." He said scooting closer. I felt his leg hit mine and I gulped.

This man made me so nervous and I couldn't understand why. He was just a normal man right? Beside the fact that he is a mafia leader, and possibly a killer? He brought his lips to my ear. "What do I not know love?" He said quietly. His breath going down my ear made me twitch. He reached his left hand and touched his finger on my knee. I trembled.

"Enzo." I said. "Do I make you nervous Rosaline?" "Cause I think I just felt you twitch?" His fingers began gliding up my leg, teasing me with every touch.

His finger continued up until he reached my thigh. I gasped for air. He chuckled. He didn't once stop. He was at the very top of my leg moving inwards. It took everything out of me to not scream his name. "Enzo-" "Stop teasing me." I whispered.

"Oh Rosaline." "I want to know everything about you." "Every single thing." He told me as we pulled up to a Mansion. His hand slid down my leg and back to his side. I started breathing heavy. I looked into his eyes. "You are a tease." I told him. He smirked. "Yeah indeed I am love, one hell of a one that is." He said as he stepped out of the car.

UH OH! Things are getting a little hot 😏😉 I cannot tell you how hard it was to write this chapter. Trying to figure out if I wanted the (Car Scene) in this chapter was a big descion to make but I thought why not! Hope you guys like this chapter! And again Happy Reading! Next Chapter should be out in 1-3 Days! Love you all! 💕 And Happy Reading!

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