Chapter 4

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So you got a little peek into her background and her life before the present.
Let me know if you liked it ;)


I jolted awake. I looked at my surroundings, for a second panicking and not able to breathe because I didn't know where I was. All I knew was that I wasn't in the familiar home I had in London. And then I remembered I was in Forks, Washington. And that I was in a motel. And that Jasper was alive, and well, and had a mate and a family.
It was just a bad dream, I told myself in my mind. But my mind reminded me it wasn't. It wasn't a dream, it was a memory. From when I was eighteen. The one day since Jasper's disappearance months before, that I had stopped searching. The one day I returned home. The first day I saw the pack and my family since I'd been gone for over a year. And the last day I ever saw them.

I got out of the bed and showered, then put on clothes and hopped in my car. I drove over to the Cullen's residence. Edward was outside with Renesmee and the family when I pulled up. Jacob and Bella were also present.

"Good morning Hope." Esme greeted as I approached them.


"How was your motel shower?" Jasper asks.

"It was fine, thank you very much." I replied sarcastically.

"You know you're welcome to stay here with us, Hope." Carlisle says.

"No it's okay, trust me, my motel room's perfectly fine."

"Are you sure?"


"I could never." Rosalie says. "All the stained walls, non-sanitary rooms, the unmade beds, I mean sometimes they don't even have power. Where the hell would I straighten or curl my hair?"

"Vampires don't sleep remember?" I remind her.
Jacob eyes me uncertainly, like he doesn't trust me. I know he doesn't, but he doesn't have to stare me down like I'd attack his imprint.

That's also another vampire affect. I can't imprint, even though I was born a wolf and I still have my wolf side. The vampire venom took away that capability. I'll never understand what imprinting is like. Not that I want to, I don't even want a mate. Edward needs to understand that.

"So what made you change your name?" Bella asks out of the blue. I was taken aback by the question. No one, not even Jasper, had ever questioned why I'd changed my name.

"How'd you even know?" Then I thought about it and groaned. The only person who ever knew my real name before I changed it, was...

"What? Sorry." He laughs. I slap his arm.

"Why'd you tell?"

"It just sort of slipped." He continued laughing.

"Right. Yeah it just magically slipped. For over a hundred years you knew my name was Hope and Nadja just slipped?"

"Okay, you caught me."

I roll my eyes. "Anyway, since Jasper blabbed, I guess I'll tell you. My home in France, uh Paris-"

"Wait, you're from Paris?!" Rose asks.


"Rose, let her speak." Esme says.

"Anyways. I got into a bad fight with my parents when I decided to leave. I had only turned seventeen, and I knew that I just had to get away for a while. I really wanted to go. I'd been in town the previous day and heard about a military program stationed in Texas. It was all the way across the ocean. My parents didn't support it and that night, well, I forged their signature. You had to have parent consent to join the military in the States if you weren't eighteen. But you had to be seventeen. So I packed my bags, took the papers, and left that night. I hated my parents so much for what they did. I wanted no connection to France. So I changed my name to what Nadja really meant: Hope."
There was also the fact that Nadja was hard to say for Americans. The confederate commander had a difficult time saying it when I interviewed and turned in the paperwork when I finished the sign up. I thought, why not change it to something easier for Americans?

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