Chapter 1

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Posted- April 10 2022


I'll update you all when I finished edited, but enjoy the rough draft for now!

Yes, this is Rora Pho. I want to warn you that the beginning of this story is very different to how it ends. Blood splatters this page, and it stains. It may stain into your soul. I am warning you here, I was a very different person, who knew nothing. I still thought that everything could be solved with a warm hug. That is not the case. Nothing can be solved with a hug. Problems are solved with pain. You will understand, but I advice you to leave and never understand. Look away now.

The warning is over, and here is the tale:

"Why hello there Rora! You came just in time; me and Damien were just about to start making some cookies! Come on in dear!"

Mrs. Sally said, nice as ever. I smiled at the same time as her, walking through the doorway. I took my shoes off and walked to the kitchen where Damien and another person were already making the batter.

Damien looked right at home- which he was, figuratively and literally- while the other person looked much more uncomfortable and awkward. It was funny; how I used to be like that! Now look at me, I basically live here! Mrs. Sally even said that I came over here so much, she was debating decorating the guest room for me! Every time I was offered, however, I always declined. I had a perfectly good room where I already lived! It was silly, but that isn't the point of this book.

The person (You may as well learn their name here, Alex) may have looked uncomfortable, but I could already tell we would be friends. So, I introduced myself!

"Hi there! My name is Rora! Whats yours? OH, my pronouns are she/her, what about you?"

After a second or two passed, Damien stepped in and said

"Hey Rora, this is Alex. We got paired up for the science fair, so I invited for them to come over here. You go by they/them right?"

Damien turned his head to look at Alex as they nodded slightly. I grinned at them, happy to hear that I might make a new friend that day. As I was rejoicing, Mrs. Sally called me over.

"Rora dear? I wanted to make some tea for all 4 of us, but the stove isn't working. Would you mind doing, you know?"

I smiled as I nodded and lit a small flame in my hand. As expected, Mrs. Sally put the kettle down in my hand and I grew the flame more. In the background I heard Damien and Alex making small talk, with Damien mainly making cheesy puns and jokes. I smiled lightly as the kettle boiled and Mrs. Sally picked it up to pour it, so I put the flame out. If I knew what was to happen, I'd keep my hand lit. But the door came crashing down before I understood my mistake.

Well the batter was ruined, as was everything else. Everything was covered in spikes vines holding us all down. I lit my hand back on fire, taking out more of my stamina. I already felt a bit tired, but I would have to fight this out to keep everyone safe. I set my flame-covered hands on the vines keeping my feet stuck to the floor.

Smoke was already filling the building.


This is bad.

Me, while writing this:

Well I ended up completely scraping the first draft of this, and this was all written in less then an hour, but I got it done


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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