Its a dream bruh

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I wandered around the building, shaking and starving for food. 'Where am I?' My body was weak and no longer had energy to walk as i fell down to the ground. The last thing i've seen was a tall man with no face.

I then woke up in the middle of the woods but i am now full of energy and no longer starving. What is happening? "(y/n)!" I then saw my mom shouting my name while looking for me in the woods. Wait. Mom? This can't be happening. Didn't mom just died a few years ago? Tears were now running down my cheek.

I couldn't resist but yell; "Mom!! Im here!" My mom turned around and looked at the direction my voice came. "(y/n)?! Where are you?!" She uncontrobally screaming while her eyes wander to nowhere as she ran away. Away from me. "No!! Mom im here!!" This is not real! 'Your mom is dead (y/n)!' The voices in my head laughed at my mom funeral.

"N-NO!!!" I screamed. I closed my eyes tightly but open it as soon as the aura surrounds me changed. All i can see now is my eight years old birthday party. I can see mom and.. Dad, singing happily.

But- but why?! Why am i watching all of this? I hate seeing his face, his fucking face. When i was ten years old, my dad used to beat me and hit me. I hate him. He called me all the things that i don't understand that time and say that my mother death was all my fault. He say that its all my fault, right?

Well he was right. His death is my fault too. Ohh, i still remember myself my own father's death. I stabbed him and throw all of his disgusting guts away. It was a fun time killing him~ The police never found out me killing my own family. So after that day, i realized that i am an insane psychopath but my sanity is still with me.

"(y/n)! (y/n)! Wake up!" I opened my eyes while my body were shaking wildly. "She's awake!" "Wh-what?" I trapped myself in a confusion. "Well you fainted again and you were screaming so we gather here to looked at what just happen.

"Oh.. Well i had a nightmare so that can explain everything." I say, sarcastically. "Oh okay then. EJ said that you were fully heal so lets go downstair." Jeff say as i get off the bed and follow them to the hallway with bandage all over my chest.

I am still unbalance but luckily i won't fall anywhere, until.. "Wo-woaah." I fell but then i felt someone caught me. Looking up to see EJ was the one who caught me. "You need to be careful, sweetheart." He kissed my forehead while his mask was lifting above his nose. I blushed a little and get off him. He then walked away, giving me a small wave, turning at the boys who had an unamused look.

"What?" Their eyes darted to nowhere. "Lets just go." Why do they sound like... Jelous? Nahh that wouldn't be happening. "So.. From now im staying here?" I broke the silence, they glance at me and nodded.

"Where will i sleep?" I muttured. "You can sleep in my room!" All of them spoke at the same time. They looked at each other and fought about it.

"Miss (y/n) will be in guest room." Slender popped out of nowhere and said that. They all muttured 'aww' sadly. "Oh hush. Y'all can go to my room and hang out sometimes." I smiled. With my real smile. All of them cheered happily. After a few minutes they cheering i got bored and sat on the couch. I then remembered my phone was in my pocket all the time...

'You are a fucking retard y/n..' My thought ran through my head, facepalming really hard. I stop facepalming and open my phone it was a (fav type phone). Smile were cooked on my face as i search through devianart, scrolling every art, photograph. Etc, that i saw.

((Quick note: please take a look at my dA gallery!! Username: Fandomlove12)

"Damn this art is so fucking great than my lame ass drawing that looks like a five years old drawing." You mumbled. "So you are the '(y/n)' that Nina barnging about?" I turned around and look at the girl that was talking to me.

She had a blond hair, blue maid dress, sky blue eyes, white bow to tied her blond hair and stitches that almost make her look like a doll. Well.. I already knew who is this. "Yeep. Why you ask, blondie?" I darted my eyes on her face."Oh. Nothing im just asking. Hehe." She smiles friendly and walk away. Well she's good. I guess...

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