Getting away.

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(Name) ran around her room throwing her belongings in her suitcase with tears threatening to fall.

After her suitcase was full and she couldn't fit anything else in she closed it and grabbed the suitcase without a second thought. Now all she needed was her car keys and she would be gone, she already had her passport ready and contacted her friends.

She spun around towards her bedroom about to rush out only to see her path way is blocked by him.

"Love it's late let's go to bed" his sweet tone (name) fell in love with years ago said stepping closer towards her.

(Name) backed up , she couldn't trust or forgive him after what he did, not after all the lies and manipulation he's used for the 5 years they've been married.

His eyes softened even more seeing his wife's scared expression.

She stepped back even more creating a bigger gap between and the man she loved and herself.

"Please don't do this to me" his voice broke. Tears started to form in the corner of his eyes. He dropped on his knees putting his face to the floor crying into his own arms.

If (name) didn't know what he'd done and what he planned to do she would if dropped everything and comforted him.

"I want to leave" (name) voice came out harsh but you could still hear the heart break in it.

"Your all I have I can't let you" he told her facing the floor.

"Theodore please if you truly loved me you'd let me go" (name) begged hoping he'd give up.

Hearing that Theodore sat up (name) could still see where his tears fell but his face did not show sadness or regret instead all (name) saw was a blank face of no emotion.

"Loved you?!" Theodore yelled.

"LOVED YOU!?" He yelled again.

(Name) flinched back as he continued to yell.

" (name) I've never stopped loving you." He exclaimed. Staring her dead in the eyes.

"Your like air to me I can't function without yo-No I can't live without you (name) please" He looked pleadingly in her eye. But all he saw was regret and sadness in her expression.

"Okay, I won't ask nicely again put the bag down and come to bed." He chuckled darkly sending (name) chills.

If hadn't been the situation (name) would of been turned on by that voice instead of scared.

"Theo please" she used his nickname only she was allowed to call him.

"Theo nothing" he spat back.

"Pleas-" (name) tried again.

"ALL THAT I FUCKING DONE FOR YOU" he yelled veins of frustration started to appear making him seem scarier in ( names) eyes, when he yelled (name) knew to stay quiet.

"I've sacrificed so much for you (name)" he continued.

" if it wasn't for me your parents wouldn't even be here" he told her.

"And I'm grateful that" (name) answered inching closer to door out of Theodore's sight.

"Don't be" he laughed facing their bedroom window.

"Why wouldn't I-" ( name) stopped mid sentence at the realization.

"You caused the accident too didn't you?" (Name) asked in disbelief.

"If I didn't how would I of got close to you without you suspecting anything" he answered turning towards her.

"You sick bastard" (name) spat getting angry.

"The only bastard is your father actually, should of killed him" Theo told her casually.

"Fuck you!" (Name) yelled and took her chance and ran for the door leaving all her stuff behind. She barely had time to grab her car keys before Theo turned around.

"(NAME)!" He yelled slamming his palm on the door frame.


Theo kept calling her but (name) kept going, she was running so fast she tripped down the stairs only to pick herself back up and make it to her car.

"Come on, come on, COME ON." (Name) Repeated starting to get frustrated when she couldn't put her keys in to unlock the car due to her shaking.

She barley made it in car when she heard her front door slam and her angry husband walking over.


(Name) locked her car before he could approach. She was so happy she and didn't share car keys with him anymore.

"Open this door." Theo warned her, she could hear the anger in his voice. Instead of listening to him (name) started her car completely ignoring his presence backing out of the drive way.

She had got away.

For now.

Thank you so much for reading chapter 1 I'll probably make a continuation of this chapter since I really like it and I have so much ideas for it.

I'm taking requests for these series so I'll make a specific page for it so please drop them on that specific page if you don't wanna post a request publicly I'll find an alternative way for u anonymous ppl but anyways see you in the next one.

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