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Liaotian names in this story are based on Chinese naming traditions.

*Chinese is an ideographic and tonal language, thus, similarly spelt names in pinyin can be written in an entirely different way. Words can also sound the same but mean different things. You would need to look at the way a character is written to understand its meaning.

The meanings behind the names of the key characters are explained below.

Liao Mengzhang 【廖梦章】: (Surname: Liao) Second son of Liao Dancheng. Serves as a general in the Crimson Guard. Captured by Ba'yens to be a political hostage.

'Meng 梦' means dream, while 'zhang 章' means chapter. The name 'Mengzhang' signifies his father's hope that this son will help to unfurl a 'dream chapter' of peace in his lifetime.

Liao Dancheng 【廖丹城】: (Surname: Liao) The Crimson General, Protector of the North, leader of the Crimson Guard. Liberator of Tian'ping. Father of Liao Mengzhang. (Surname: Liao)

While 'Dan 丹' means red/cinnabar, it is also associated with the saying 'dan xin bi xue 丹心碧血' which is used to describe someone who is loyal and valiant.  'Cheng 城' means city. Thus the name 'Dancheng' can be loosely interpreted as 'loyal guardian of the red city.

Junmo 【君默】:Kuang Sect Disciple. Now a physician in the Ba'yen refugee camp.

'Jun 君' means gentleman in this iteration, while 'mo 默' means silent. So Junmo's name means 'reserved/silent gentleman'

Shiyao 【诗谣】: First Musician in the Ba'yen Court. Disciple of the Sect of Lost Melodies in Mount Lingyun.

'Shi 诗' means poetry, 'yao 谣' means song. Thus, 'Shiyao' can literally be taken to mean poetry and song.

Tuya: Ba'yen refugee. Yargui's daughter.

Yargui: Ba'yen refugee, Tuya's mother.

Ariq'khan: The conqueror of Ba'ye. Leader of the Eight Ba'yen Tribes in the northern steppes.

Note: Junmo and Shiyao don't have surnames because they're war orphans who don't know who their parents are.

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