part 4

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Everyone was eating at night. Rashmi comes in the kitchen and asks Nishant
Rashmi: Did everyone eat ?

Nishant: everyone ate  except Teju. Why is this girl (Teju) being treated like this? I'm worried about Teju now. At that moment, Karan sees them leaving. Nishant calls him

Nishant: Beera, what happened? You and Teju have been feeling very sad for a long time.

Karan (angrily): Why didn't your special friend tell you? No, not at all. I have not come to support or comfort anyone.

While Karan is talking, Teju stands behind him. They were all sad to hear that. Karan speaks and leaves. Teju comes into the kitchen and starts to make lemon water. Rashmi approaches Teju and speaks to her turning herself in front

Rashmi: I don't know you from today. Tell me what you think. I know you and I know how much you would suffer if you didn't say it all.How sad they must be to think of your parents and brother. Teju will cry at any moment but she speaks to Rashmi and Nishant

Teju: Why are you so worried? I am fine Did you eat? Nishant will do one thing for me. Will you and Pratik sleep in the bedroom? You call the Pratik I ask and she calls the Pratik . The Pratik  comes

Teju: Pratik I know I bothered you a lot and said a lot and even though you are not a friend but will you do something for me?

Prateek: Look, Tejaswi, I understand you like my sister, even though you are not a friend, I can understand you as a human being, tell me what to do for you. Listening to him, Teju is filled.

Teju: Will you and Nishant go to  the bedroom from today? I want to be alone until this event is over. Do so for Nishant and Pratik look at each other and nod. Rashmi asks Teju

Rashmi: Shall I come and sleep with you? Are you afraid of the night and have nightmares?

Teju: No, Rashmi, no matter how much you do with me, I will have to leave everything and face it alone. And I'm not afraid of anything now. And if I thought I'd invite you to sleep with me and hug you like a teddy bear, then so be it.
Rashmi  smile when she hears this. And Teju leaves.

Prateek: Rashmi, you do something, Teju is asleep, come in and see her, because if we come, it will mean nothing more. Rashmi looks at him and nods.
Teju goes to the bedroom, the lights are off. He is looking at  Karan's bed with his head covered. Teju takes her luggage and goes to Nishant's bed. Nishant Pratik goes to bed after his work. This night goes on without the two talking. Suddenly Teju wakes up at night and starts sweating a lot. She gets up and starts crying. She starts to miss her mother. Teju cries a lot and she has not eaten anything since yesterday.
Teju tries to get up but due to lack of strength in her body she loses her balance and she falls in front of Nishant's bed.
There is an artificial stone table on which Teju's head hits hard and there is a lot of bleeding. Teju shakes her head and tries to talk to someone, but then she remembers Karan's words, and Savart begs Big Boss from the mic to call her to the medical room. Hearing her, Bigg Boss opens the door of the medical room and Teju now goes inside.
Teju goes to the medical room. The doctors see her and apply  ointment. At that moment, Teju suddenly fainted. Doctors check Teju. Teju's pulse is very low. And because of not eating anything, he has become unconscious. Doctors call Teju's medical file to Bigg Boss, who understands that Teju is suffering from migraine. Doctors immediately apply saline to Teju . After about three to four hours, Teju is get conscious. The doctor gives her some medicine and tells her to relief but Teju doesn't listen.
In the morning, like the day before, Teju would do all her work and sit outside with tea. Karan goes to make tea as usual. Nishant  calls teju for help to make breakfast Teju comes in Rashmi, Shamita, Nishant, Pratik run towards Teju

Rashmi: What happened to Teju? Karan is in his work. Hearing Rashmi's frightened voice, he looks at Teju but he gets scared.

Rashmi: What happened?

Teju: Oh, when you let me speak,Nothing special happened last night when I got up in a panic and tried to get up to fetch water but I fell and got a head injury. After telling Big Boss, I went to the medical room and the doctor gave me medicine and when I came back, I fainted. After four hours I came back with medicine.

Shamita: Teju, you go and relax, we will see what to do here.

Teju: No, Shamita, I'm fine. I do help.Teju gets up at the base of the table but the balance goes up and Karan and everyone else will go to help but Teju stops by showing his hand. Teju speaks

Teju: Don't worry, I will get in the habit of depending on you. Rashmi speaks

Rashmi: It would be better for us to see you like this. (So ​​Teju gives her sweet smile) I have not forgotten that Rashmi speaks with such a smile. After saying this, everyone goes to work.

Karan (in Mind): What happened to Teju? So much has happened in the night, but not once did he come to ask for help . Anyway, at least I didn't go down without explaining myself first. And what she said is that she knows she has a migraine but I don't know the person closest to her. If I want to talk to her, my self-esteem comes in and if Teju comes to talk to me, I am keeping her away from me .What should I do? How to talk to Teju ???

How was today's episode? Let's see in the next part a little annoyed a little love and fun. Keep reading and voting for it🙂

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