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"Papa don't you think it's too chocolatey?" A girl asked with an unpleasant look.

"Anshi, you don't like chocolate but Pihu likes it and it's her birthday cake not yours that it will be full of dry fruits" said the man.

" But papa fruit cake is much much much tastier than chocolate cake" said Anshika.

"Only for you ,not for Pihu" said the man with a slight smile knowing his daughters unmatchable tastebuds.

"Yeah yeah" said Anshika by rolling her eyes.

"Okay okay now go and wake up Pihu..the cake is almost ready and you both need to get ready for school as well so go" said the man while garnishing the cake with choco chips.

" Okay papa" said Anshika and moved towards Pihu's room.

"Ram" called an old lady while entering the kitchen.

" Yes maa" said Ram turning towards his mother.

" Is the cake ready?" Asked Krishna.

"Yes maa , just garnishing is left" said Ram and again started his work.

" Ram, how long it will go like this?" Asked Krishna a bit emotionally.

For a second ram pauses but again concentrate on his work. " Like what maa?" Asked Ram , knowing where is the topic heading to .

" Ram you know very well about what I am talking." Said Krishna

Ram stopped his work and turned towards his mother . " Maa I don't want to talk about it. I am happy with my children. And love happens only once, I have given my heart to Mira and it just belongs to her."

" But Ram, Pihu and Anshika both needs a mother. They needs a mother's love." Krishna said emotionally.

" Maa I am there for them everytime, they doesn't need any other third person in their lives and you , dadi, Natasha, Soumya, Neha are already there then why any other person to get involved. And the topic ends here, Pihu is soon going to come downstairs and I want to present this cake in front of her first so no discussion about this matter anymore." Said Ram and continued his work.

Krishna feeling helpless left the kitchen. A tear escapes from ram's eyes just after she left.

" Maa, I know you are not only thinking and telling this about them but also about me but maa I can't forget Mira. She is the person who brings out the best from me and when she is not present between us then I don't want anyone, I am enough to handle our kids alone". Said Ram to himself.

( This is The Ram Kapoor, in his early forties, one of the best chef's of India, owns chains of restaurants and resorts across India. A father of two daughters' Anshika Kapoor and Pihu Kapoor,loves them the most after his late wife Mira and protects them as a mother and father both.Rude and heartless for the world but polite and loving for his family where there is his dadi, mother(Krishna Kapoor), brother ( Rishabh Kapoor), sister( Natasha Kapoor), sister-in-law ( Soumya Kapoor) , his daughters and Vikram and Neha Shergill, his family like friends.

"Rihan" a lady shouted

" Yes mumma" a boy responded while coming down the stairs in a school uniform, holding a school bag.

"Come baby, breakfast is ready" the lady said smiling.

" Yuck, mumma milk" Rihan said with a scrunched up face.

" Rihan you have to finish up the whole glass I am not going to listen today" the lady said in a warning tone.

" No mumma please" Rihan said in a pleading tone.

" No you have to finish" the lady said and took the glass in her hand and forwarded it to Rihan.

After showing alot of tantrums the lady made Rihan finally finish the whole glass.

" Priya" called an old lady while coming towards the mother-son duo.

" Yes maa" Priya responded.

" Beta, you also eat something" said Sunanda.

" Maa it will get late, I have to drop Rihan to school and then have to reach the shop as soon as possible , there are so many orders today" said Priya.

" I know beta, but what about your health?" Said Sunanda in a concerned tone.

" Maa if I will not eat breakfast one day then nothing will happen but for your satisfaction I will try to have something at shop in between my works" said Priya.

" I don't trust you at all in this priya, I will pack the food and send it with Ishika" said Sunanda.

" Okay maa as you say" said Priya with a smile.

" Rihan come fast we are getting late" said Priya and left with Rihan.

( This is Priya Khanna,a lady in her late thirties, a widow, lost her husband in an accident. Owns a bakery and side by side manages her book cafe ' Shine's with bean's'. A mother of a six years old son Rihan and lives with her mother in law,Sunanda and sister in law, Ishika. Had a love marriage with her late husband and still loves him so much. Her son is her everything.)


Hey Guys!

So finally I could think of a plot and pen down something after a year ig.
This plot was in my mind from a long time. I penned it down in the last year but couldn't publish coz I was not satisfied with it. But after getting some free time I did some minor changes and here I present it to you. Ik it's short but I could manage this much only.
And yeah there will be very slow updates.
This is my officially first own written book so kinda excited for the responses yk.
But a special mention to AKU____________. Thank you so much for writing the wonderful description of the story <3

Please ignore the grammatical mistakes!
Hope you like it ,
Until next time
Anu ❤️

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