Chapter 12: Dangerzone

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Your POV:

It happened so fast

You threw your arms out to your sides as thunder clouds began to form

If I would've known it took out the power to the whole city...

A giant red bolt of lightning shot down from the sky completely obliterating 12 city blocks.

I probably would've thought it through.

The grimm Team RBY cried out in pain and agony as their bodies were now scorched from your massive attack.

It nearly killed me

Your then seen stopping the attack before collapsing face down in the middle of the road. The rest of the Grimm RBY fled the scene while the city was in shambles.

It almost felt like a small death. Hell wish it was.


You gasp awake. And immediately the thirst hit you like a rocket propelled missile. You winced when you seen the scotch markings all over your body.

You: W-where the hell am I?

You sat up fully before noticing a small T.v after using a telekinetic pulse you seen there was some left over Electricity inside it. You hungrily absorbed it. Before noticing a small radio and absorbing that too. You felt a little stronger than you did before.

You walked with a small limp throughout the place before seeing an old man that sat on a Chinese styled mat.

Old Man: So your finally awake?

You look around for any other people before seeing a familier sleeping figure.

You: Weiss!

Old Man: Keep your voice down kid. She needs her rest. After fending off an entire city that wanted you dead. She dragged your body all the way up the mountain here.

You stare at Weiss in awe that she'd do something like that.

Old man: now then, you must be hungry.

The old man offered you some green liquid with a plate of pancakes. Already a sense of dejavu was setting in.

You sat beside him and began eating. Taking in the snow filled landscape.

You: Where is this?

Old Man: Where do you think? MT. Glenn

You almost spat out your food.

You: What the fuck?

Old Man: Keep your voice down kid or I'll shut you up myself.

You quickly calmed down before noticing his certain features.

You: You a fighter?

The old man snickered.

Old man: Was a fighter. I gave up my fighting days a long time ago kid.

You look out towards the trees seeing other people in a small village down below.

Old man: in all my years living here I can see everything that goes on in this village. I was shocked when a red portal opened up and you and that Schnee girl fell through.

You look down.

You: Raven.

The old man stared at you.

Old Man: I figured as much.

He stood up. It was then you noticed he had some muscle on him. He definitely been through his fare share of battles.

You: So um why did you agree to shelter us?

The old man paused what he was doing which was watering a small Rose Bush.

Old Man: I can tell by the way you states were in. You both been on the run. Now me? I've been on the run my whole life.

The old man spun around before telling you to follow him. He showed you too a dojo which you noticed several championship belts.

You: Wow I take it in your heyday you were a force of nature huh?

The old man let out a chuckle.

Old Man: you could say that. He suddenly grabbed to peculiar items your Broken amp and your Reaper clothing.

You: Your weapon was in pieces when she cane through with you. And your clothes were torn to shit. I sew them the best I could and I fixed most of the device you have.

You thanked him before he guiding you to a changing room. You quickly got changed and walked out it was then that you sensed something fast coming your way.

You quickly ducked as an axe burrowed deep into the wall. You quickly look to your right to see the old man smile.


Old Man: Show me what your made of Demon of Vale

You growled before making your way over.

You got on the opposite side of the large mat and got ready. The ticking of the grandfather clock you previously passed by in the hallway acted as the buzzer before you lunged forward. You charged and reached out your hands which he avoiding before doing a moonsault over you. He kicked you from behind sending you back first into the wall.

You hit the wall hard and stare wide eyed at the man.

Old man: again.

You kept at it for a few more hours before you collapsed to your hands and knees. The old man barely gasped for breath.

Old man: not good at all kid. You need more training.

You panted before forcing yourself to stand.

You: Just...Who...Are...You?

The old man put down a tea set he was using before smiling.

Old man: most call me the Old Man. But my real name is...John Wick.

Hello my army of Horrors. I hope yall enjoyed this chapter. Anywho yall know what to do. Anywho. This is Horror-Kun and that's a rap.

Word Count: 894

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