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"" poor thing""
He said as he smiled at me mischievously
"" Well I am min yoongi
You are welcome to another world ""

"" poor thing""He said as he smiled at me mischievously"" Well I am min yoongi You are welcome to another world ""

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Now this time he gave me another mischievous loud laugh ...I kept my eye on him confused
I had many questions to ask but couldn't find my voice
I felt a lot of bad energy with this min yoongi or whatever he calls himself
I hated him badly,I hated the way he laughed ,I hated the way I was weak and I couldn't do anything,he acted like the boss ,so I assume he must be the one who sent his men to kill my parent and Mr Kings and probably killing me now
All I did was kept crying ...

Then I decided to ask him who he was and why did he murder my parents

"" What do you want from me ?""
I finally spoke up crying
Why? Why did you kill my parents?

Minyoongi looked down at me ,and stood on his feet
"" I guess you don't know who your father was.... and what he did
Just know one thing... you are paying for everything your father owe
I only did what I was asked to do ""

He begin to walk away from me with his men

""Untie her"" he added with out looking back
One of his men immediately took off
the ropes tied on my hands and left

I sat on the floor for about an hour
I wished the world could just stop spinning
I felt like dying ...I was devastated
"" Everything my father owe??
I said to myself
I managed to stand on my feet , though it hurts badly
I was in a very large room ,well decorated with beautiful designs

I was devastatedConfused"" Everything my father owe?? I said to myself I managed to stand on my feet , though it hurts badly I was in a very large room ,well decorated with beautiful designs

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I tried sitting on the king size bed placed in the middle of the room
Just then I noticed I have stopped crying ..I had no tears left to cry
My eyes were already swollen from crying the whole day
I felt sick , hungry and tired
I just lost my parents and Mr Kings and now I am kidnapped into a place I don't know ...
A knocked interrupted my thought
And my heart skipped ...fear traveled through my veins
The door bang open and some ladies walked in
One elderly lady walked straight to me
"" Am sorry for interrupting
But we are here to do our job ""
she said to me

Before I could respond to her
The other ladies gentle grabbed my right leg which I got injured
Took off the bandages and clean my injury...some other ladies dress in white and black came rolling in a chart
Which was covered
Soon the chart was opened ... The ladies placed varieties of food on the table out of the chart

 The ladies placed varieties of food on the table out of the chart

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The older lady spoke up again

""We figured you might be hungry
We made some dinner for you
Please do well to please yourself
Tomorrow you will be meeting the bosses in person "" she signal to the other ladies and in seconds they all left

I wasn't so stupid ... yes I was starving
And oh God
The food looked great ,my mouth watered and my stomach begin to rumble
But I was too scared to take anything...
I had questions in my head
What if the food was poisoned
....I laid on the floor
I wasn't planning on sleeping on the large bed
I felt so unsafe ...the words of the elderly lady kept playing in my head
"" Tommorow you would meet the bosses in person ""
I couldn't wait for the morning to come .

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