A New beginning

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Somebody!.... Call an ambulance!
Huh?... What was that.. A vision?
But what is that vision....

Y/n's train of thoughts was cut of when she heard someone call her name

"Y/NNN!" then there is a figure of a girl running towards y/n "ah, miku... Did you need anything?" y/n smiled softly at the girl.

"mhm! Want to walk to college together?" miku then hoped playfuly next to y/n with a bright grin, y/n then returned the smile with another one of her soft smiles and nodded "aha! Yay! Let's gooooo!!"

Miku is the tipical energetic, kind, playful girl that everyone used to like when they were in school.

Y/n is the quiet, soft,calm girl that everyone admired in school.

Surprisingly those two manged to be best friends since middle school, they just clicked together is what they would say

After college

"that was a tiring dayyyy...." miku was whining while holding onto y/n's sleeve "it was, how about we go to the library? You could get that volume of the book you wanted" y/n was then trying to remove the gloomy look off her best friend's face, and it worked miku's eyes lit up and are now filled with sparkles "THEN WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR LET'S GOO!" now it's miku's turn to drag y/n.

Soon they arrived at the library and miku sprinted to the 'fiction' section to get the new volume of her favorite book, while y/n went to the 'manga' section to also get the last volume of 'tokyo revengers' that came out, it has always been stuck on her mind and how takemichi is always trying his best to help everyone.

'ah, I found it!' y/n is always calm yes, but when it's about the stuff that she likes especially manga then she is full on sparkely.

Y/n then grabs the book then heads to the front desk to pay for the book, when she gets there she already sees miku paying for hers "miku" y/n then speed walks to miku "ah y/n! Did you get anything??" "I did" she says with a small sparkel in her eyes

"that's great!" miku returned the sparkle..?, y/n then payed and they both left the library "I am so excited to read this!!!" miku was practically swinging with the small bag that had the book in it "hehe... I am aswell" they both then continued walking until they both reached miku's house "well! This is my stop, I will see you tomorrow y/n!" miku then gave y/n a bone crushing hug.

"bye bye miku" y/n also returned the bone crushing hug, they then both started laughing until miku got inside and y/n then started heading to her own house 'I am very excited to read this volume! I have been waiting for everrr'

Tap... Tap... Tap...
Y/n was walking across the street only thinking about how fun the tokyo revengers volume would be

honk honk!!!
'huh?' y/n then opened her eyes and look beside her only to see a speeding car going towards her at full speed not being able to stop

'huh? No wait... Is this how it ends.... No I still have a lot of dreams that I want to accomplish... Miku I told her that I would see her tomorrow... No this can't be.. I still haven't read the tokyo revengers volume'

After that y/n went flying from the strong impact of the car, y/n was then laying on her back surrounded by her own blood she couldnt hear anything, only her own voice that's echoing in her brain

'God please.... Give me another chance in life and I will try to use it better than this time'.....

Those were y/n's last thoughts before closing her eyes and a tear slipping past her eye lids.

'ahhh.... It's too bright.. Wait! Wasn't I dead! Is this the after life??? Probably...'

"dear, look at our adorable baby"
"I know love, I see her"

'huh? What the-'

Blink blink

'who are these two?! And why are they so big??? Or wait, am I just small'

"she opened her eyes!"
"they are so beautiful..."

'Y/n' then looked at them with her beautiful golden eyes that glowed brightly and her black baby hair "look dear isn't our little baby Ryoko so cute?" the woman said "of course she is" said the man that was hugging the woman

'Ryoko?? It that supossed to be m-'

"is that my little sister...?" said a little boy that was standing at the door with some tears in his eye while staring at Ryoko

'little sister....? Ah so I was right huh? I got reborn as a girl named Ryoko now huh? Thank you God.... I will use this second life of my well...'
"she is, little Hizuki, come say hello to your little sister" the woman then smiled softly at the little boy. The boy then went to Ryoko, the woman then gave little Ryoko to Hizuki so that he can hold his little sister for the first time

When Hizuki held Ryoko in his arms he felt like he needed to protect her no matter what, what he didn't know is that Ryoko felt the exact same thing. She has always been an only child, her parents were always busy with work. When she wanted to play with them they told her not now and then always repeated the same line "I have to work so you can have a perfect life y/n" she couldn't blame them after all they were doing this for her.

That's why in this new life of hers she knows one thing she has to protect her family

Ryoko then hugged her older brother or more like leaned on him. And her brother gladly hugged her back while some tears slipped from his eyes.


Ryoko is now 4 years old and her brother is 9 years old. They were both at the playground playing with each other, and when they got tired they then sat at a bench and ate the sandwichs that their mom made for them before they left.

While they were talking to each other and having fun Ryoko then heard something that shocked her to the point that she almost dropped her sandwich

"hey dude did you hear about the black dragons?"

"of course I did, how could I not? They are the most famous gang in this area after all"

After they left Hizuki then looked at the two teenagers that were talking "black dragons? What's that?" he then looked at Ryoko "Ryoko, are you ok-"

"Hizukiii! Ryoko!!" their mom was waving at them telling them to come "it's time for lunch!"

"let's go Ryoko!" Hizuki held Ryoko's hand and ran to their mother and they headed home


"I am heading to my room now mum" Ryoko got off her chair and and went to hear room, she opened her door and went inside then locked it.

'no way... I am in tokyo revengers!, but how??, wait I shouldnt be asking that considering I did get reborn-... But! Setting that aside... I do know one thing that I have to do, I have to protect all the characters that I love! And not let them die'

"so..., I guess this is.....


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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