Preference 1: How You Meet

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Harry: Getting over breakups are difficult. Especially with your, now EX-boyfriend (Y/Ex/N). He was perfect for you. Until you saw him getting it on with another girl. For the past two days you have been moping around your house and scarfing down chocolate. Your friends decided to get you out of the breakup sadness and take you to a club. Although you were still upset about the break up, you were excited to show off your curves and finally move on. As soon as you got to the club, you instantly became sad again. A lot of people were grinding on each other, making out against the wall, or heading to the bathrooms for privacy. It reminded you of (Y/Ex/N). You were about to go to the bar, when your friends dragged you out onto the dance-floor. While pushing through the crowd, someone starts grinding against you. You stand still, in discomfort. “Come on, baby. Dance.” The stench of alcohol was in his breath. You try to get away in disgust, when someone’s elbow collides with your temple and you fall to the floor. “Oh my gosh, I just hit you!” the man, who apparently hit you, bent down. “Are you okay, love?” “Yeah,” you scrunched your face in pain. “I-I’m fine.” “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry.” you looked up into the gentleman’s piercing green eyes. “It’s okay-” “No it’s not. Come on, let’s get some ice.” he helped you up, and lead you over to the bar. Minutes later he was pressing the ice to your forehead. His eyes met yours once again. “My name is Harry.” “I’m Y/N” you both smiled at each other.

(I was thinking of Ted) :b

Niall: “Come on, guys!” your best friend, (Y/BFF/N) was acting like such a child. It was a girl’s day at the amusement park. Since it was summer, you all wore shorts and Osiris shoes (My fave!). You laughed at her excitement. Since she had never been to an amusement park, you and the rest of your friends decided to take her. You jogged over to your friends and all of you paid for your wristbands. (Y/BFF/N) was looking around with the biggest eyes. It was still a shock that she had never been to an amusement park. She was looking around so amazed at everything. “Y/N let’s go on this together!” she pointed at a Ferris wheel. You waved the rest of your friends over. (Y/BFF/N) was practically bouncing in her seat. “Look at all of the cute guys!” she has always been boy-crazy. “I think you’d look good with him!” she extended her arm out and pointed down to a blonde boy who was laughing with his four friends. You shrugged your shoulders. The top of his head looked cute, but what about the rest? And what if he was a jerk? You were a bit shy, but your best friend wasn’t. “Hey blonde boy! You would make the cutest couple with my best friend, Y/N!” she shouted pointing directly at him. Hopefully he didn’t hear, even though everyone else on the ride had. You could hear the rest of your friends laughing their ass off. He and the rest of his friends heard her and they looked up at the two of you. Your face was burning red. You hoped you could stay at the top of the ride for the rest of your life. When you finally got off the ride, you were still blushing and your friends were still laughing. “I hate you so much…” you muttered. You blushed even more when the blonde boy was pushed into you by his friends. “So. You and I would be cute together?” he smiled at you. “I can see it. I’m Niall.”

Louis: Your friend thought it was a good idea to go on Omegle video chat and put on weird costumes. Since you were both huge fans of One Direction, your interest was One Direction. You each took turns with it. You went first and put on a Scream mask and held a pink stuffed animal. When a person came up, they gave you a weird look. You stroked the pink animal in silence. “I like porn.” you eventually said your deepest voice. The person just left after that. That’s basically what you and your friend did for the past hour. You guys dressed up as a horse, a princess, grapes, Madonna, and a tree. Eventually when it was your turn again, you wanted to see what someone said if you put on a fake mustache and unibrow. You waited a bit until a boy with the exact same idea of yours came up. You both stared at each other and started laughing. “I guess we had the same idea.” you laughed. “Well you know what they say; Two great minds think alike!” he took off his unibrow and fake mustache gently, to avoid pain, and you did the same. “What’s your name beautiful? the boy asked. He was extremely good-looking. You gave him a skeptical look. He could have been a creeper! “I’m not a strange man trying to pick up pretty, young girls like you.” he winked. You blushed and said, “My name is Y/N.” “I’m Louis, and here’s my number if you ever want to talk…”

Zayn: “Kendra come on.” you brought your little sister to the mall with you to shop for her friend’s birthday party. She was only five-years old so she had the attention span of a goldfish. “I’m hungry, Y/N!” she pointed her little finger over to a pretzel stand. You sighed and brought her over. If it kept her quiet, than you were okay with it. Of course she was pretty hungry so you got her two pretzels and a small cup of soda. “Do you think Cassie would like a pretzel?” she looked up at you. You laughed at her cuteness. “Let’s stick with Disney items.” she got oddly quiet. Almost as if she were scared or nervous. You shook it off because she wasn’t bothering you anymore. She started to pull on your sweater sleeve. “Yes, Kendra?” “There’s a boy staring at you.” she pointed over to a boy with the quiff hairstyle. He was staring at you. Now he started to walk over. Kendra hid behind your legs. “I’m sorry if I’m scaring you, but hello there.” he shyly smiled at you. “Hi…” you were a little creeped out by this random stranger. “I can see your scared and you feel uncomfortable, but I just thought I could introduce myself.” you nodded your head. “My name is Zayn.” he extended a hand towards you. “I’m Y/N.” “Well Y/N, why don’t you call me sometime and we can do something.” he winked and handed you a folded piece of paper. You finally cracked a smile at him. When he walked away, Kendra came out from behind your legs. “Y/N I think he likes you!” she exclaimed.

Liam: You were an in-store model at Abercrombie, so sometimes you had to take pictures with horny boys or insecure girls. However you still worked there as an employee. It was just another Tuesday and it was pretty cold. You were restocking the shelves, when you finally reached the top one. However you were a little too short. You tried standing on your toes and you could barely reach it. “Do you need help?” a male voice shouted over the music. You turned around and saw a tall, muscular boy behind you. “Yes, thanks so much.” you gave him the clothes to put on top. “So what’s your name?” he shouted. “I’m Y/N. And you?” “I’m Liam. Is that you on the poster?” he pointed at one of the posters. You blushed a bit. “Yeah that’s me. Why do you ask?” “You are beautiful!” he smiled at you. “Well I am an in-store model. Would you like a picture?” he nodded and you both walked towards the front. While setting up for the picture you felt Liam put something in your back pocket. When the picture was done, he started to walk away, but not before mouthing ‘Call me.’

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2013 ⏰

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