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Don't be a silent reader ;p

Justin was used to the life he was living on the isle. But that doesn't mean he likes it.Though the Vk's made it at least bearable. Well, mostly Carlos, but the rest to some extent.

Now the Vk's meant everything to him. They were his family. Well Jay is by blood anyway but that doesn't make Evie, Carlos and Mal any less family.

Mal and Justin have a strange relationship. Mal is like the older annoying sister. They don't interact with each other vary often, but they still care about each other very much. And would do anything to make sure the other was ok and safe.

Now Evie and Justin have a clear Relationship. Evie is basically a mother to Justin. Evie always makes sure that he is comfortable and ok like a mother would her son. And they once again would do anything for each other.

Jay is Justins older brother. They grew up together and learned everything side by side. They completed each other, while Jay did all the big steals for their father, Justin stuck to being an amazing pick pocket. They are always there for one another when need be. But of course they had their brotherly squabbles, in this Justin is normally the annoying back talking little brother. Jay also always tries to make sure that Justin is never left alone with their father.

The person that has been through so much with him is the De vil kid. Carlos has always been there for him since they met as kids. You will rarely see one without the other. You will almost always see Carlos with an arm around Justin's shoulder, or Justin's arm around his middle. The two of them have been dating for two years and even before that the two were extremely close.

Anyway his life on the isle wasn't the best. Probably better than everyone else's though. But it was still HIS life. He has the people he cares about the most with him and that's all he needs.

You can imagine his surprise when he was told that he was going to Auradon. It wasn't a welcome surprise since he doesn't like change, but it did turn out fort the better for both him and his friends.

A lot changed for him in the time he spent in Auradon, but it was mostly for the best.


"Once upon a time, long, long ago... well more like 20 years ago... Belle married he Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. Big cake. Yeah so instead of a honeymoon, Beast United all of the kingdoms and got himself elected king of the the United States of Auradon.

He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks... basically all of the interesting people... and booted them of onto the isle of the lost with a magical barrier to keep them there.

This is my hood. No magic. No WiFi. No way out. Or so I thought."

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