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I heard the door bell and walked down the stairs towards the door.I open the door and saw a man in all black with a camera."I figured this would be the perfect time to do 73 questions with the one and only Winter Blanco".

I smiled "Heyy,GoodMorning"I waved my hand for him to come in.I closed the door"Hi how are you!?"I said as I smiled."I'm perfectly fine now I got here".

"Me too,I'm so excited"He laughed"It is we've been trying to get you for a good while now"he said

I turned and made my way towards the kitchen as he followed me.

(Vi-Vogue interviewer)
Vi:So what did you do before I got here?

Me:I got up took a shower,hit the gym,ate and did some work.

Vi:what do you normally prepare for breakfast?

Me:I usually eat my breakfast potatoes,egg,pancakes then I have a fruit bowl on the side with a banana strawberry smoothie.

Vi:Sounds delicious

Me:It really is

Vi:lip gloss or lip stick?

Me:lip gloss

Vi:heels or flats ?

Me:definitely heels

Vi:dresses or pants ?


Vi:winter this is a beautiful kitchen

Me:thank you

Vi:What do you like most about this amazing home?

Me:The energy and it also gives me wild house with everyone here you know

Vi:yeah it total does give a wave of energy.So let's talk about Sintana


Vi:How did u guys met?

Me:We met at the club yk..saw this fine thing staring me down and when I was leaving he came up to me.

Vi:is he going to be in your reality television show?

Me:I mean chances are high because we live together but if he dont want to we can work something out

We sat down in my living room

Me:Ice cream?Juice ?Anything you'll like to eat?

Vi:I'm a bit hungry

Me:Want to try my secret homemade salad?

Vi:I'd love to.

We sat in my office sitting facing each other eating and drinking

Vi:thank you,your office is wonderful,it really is.

Me:thank you.

Me phone began ringing,I looked down and smiled.I answered

Me:Hey baby,look I'm here with vogue

Sin:Suppp vogue magazine your here with my acrobatic wife here

Vi laughed

Me:baby come on

Vi:do you mind if we ask sin a few questions

Sin:This my baby interview not mine

Me:babe please whatever is mine is yours so it's our interview

Sin:Ite don't get too comfortable

Vi:Sin what do you love about winter

Sin:Everything,I love her smile,her personalities,her mood swings,loyalty,patience...I just love her being her.

Me:aww I love you

Vi:What's 2 good and bad habits of winter?

Sin:2 bad habits...umm she can be on her phone for years a tsunami can be coming she would know and still forget from being on the phone after that and another habit is the dramatic shit mane she ask me to touch her hand and I'm just like why amd she fell off the bed crying talking bout I'm scornful of her and shit.

Vi:now the good habits

Sin:everything mane,she brings the best out of me she really does.She got me doing her hair,matching hairstyles,facemask shit,Getting our toes done,massages,travelling,Camping,coloring and just doing everything together that I've never done before.She's my soulmate mane.

Me:Aww love you baby

Sin:Love you too mama's

Vi:I love you too together you are the cutest and winter what is Sins best and worst habits.?

Sin:Oh shit,had to ask her that

Me:well his bad habits he be on the phone and like be on the game and give them all his attention

Sin:Babe you come sit in my lap and we play the game together and when I'm on my phone you be under my arms and we scroll together

Me:Babe let me have this and his beat habits is everything honestly this man has nothing wrong doing we always together every single day
We go to meetings together we Literally do everything together .

Vi:do you know you two are the most followed male and female in Instagram?

Me:We are ?

Vi:Currently winter you have 301 million followers and sin is 278m followers.

Sin:umm okay

Vi:So winter is is true that you and Rihanna are co workers now?

Me:Yes I am the brand ambassador and the stores that are being installed I am going to manage the fenty beauty.


Sin:Babe imma see you in 5.I'm on my way home.

Me:Okay love you

Sin:Love you too my flexible wife

Vi:have you guys ever thought of a family

Me:We have but right now in my career in not a time for a baby and we both are just waiting on the right time you know

* 20 minutes later*

Me:Yeah I believe that we can have a baby but working takes all the life out of you you know like we never have time for family

Vi:Okayy thank you for having a me

Me:No thank you

The door opens and everyone walked in and waved and walked off but sin walk to us and placed sushi and drinks on the table,kisses me, greeted the interviewer.l and walked away

Vi:you have an amazing boyfriend I hope you guys get married one day

Me:Me too.

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