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First of all i want to apologize if there were any errors in the pervious chapters and i hope you are loving the book make sure to vote and comment 

Fay's POV 

I woke up to really bad dog breath "RYDER OFF THE BED !!!!" he listens but stays in the room 
"nope no way you are gonna see me naked " I chase him out of the room and walk to the shower when through my window i see Abel doing push-ups outside .He was a work of art ,after last night i am still trying to figure out what his real motive is ,he did and does so many things that just confuse me so much like dude calm your balls .

I have a shower and pick out my grey leggings and a hoodie ,it makes me look a bit more fat but eh i am used to it ,and if i am comfortable then fuck the world .

My phone rings and i see Abel's name flash "hi "
"hey you coming ?"
"yeah I'll be there just now "
"cool I'll be in the shower the doors open though "

I jog down and feed Ryder "and were are you going ?"
"well Abel needs some help re-painting his room and i offered to help " not really 
"ohhh he is very handsome " my mum winks at me 
"mummmmm please stop gosh " i grab a slice of toast and walk out the door over to my neighbours home .

I enter and sit on the couch scrolling through my instagram  when i hear him shout from the bathroom to go to his room .
I walk to the room besides the living room and see the room is white with wallpaper that had a wood effect "ugly right " Abel stands in the doorway with nothing but a towel around his
waist ,oh my fucking god he is made like a god fuck that .He fucking holds power in his damn body 
"Wanna touch ?" he smirks 
"shut up and change " but of course he steps closer making me rethink coming over 
"yes Fay "
"Please put on  a shirt "
"scared you might like it "
"no " yes 

He walks toward the drawer and pulls out a vest and sweats "I'll be in the lounge " he grabs my wrist "wait here " I turn around not looking at him instead facing the window and i see a full view of my back yard and the kitchen and just a bit of my room ,this is perfect view if someone wanted to spy on me .

"I'm free ballin today so lets get started "
"your are nasty "
"you will love it soon enough "
"no i won't"
"yes you will "
"Abel shut it and get the paint and the stuff we need "
"you really like telling me shut up "
"that i do "

He brings out the paint ,we cover his bed with a big plastic cover aswell as the furniture and we begin painting ,he was making it a dark yet bright royal blue which so happens to be my favorite color "why this color?"
"i love it "
"good choice "

I see him smile a bit and i can't help but stare he looked so cute yet so handsome this man was the epitome of PERFECTION .

As i paint the corner my hair falls on my face ,pulling it aside with my wrist or something like that the roller hits Abel's face "oh my god i am so sorry that was a mistake "
"its ok ,continue " he smiled 
I carry on but before i knew it i felt the thick cold blue paint drip all over me ,the idiot poured the whole bucket of paint on me "oh i am so getting you back "

We chased each other for a whole 10 minutes and we both were now a blue mess ,"that was fun "
"uhh no i just washed my hair you oaf " I laugh 

He takes my hand walking toward the bath ,we both step into the shower while Abel lifts the handle allowing the water to drench us both as the blue paint fades away ,my back is against his chest and boy did i feel something on my ass .He was hard as a stone and i didn't know what to do ."Fay turn around "
I do and my face was at his chest ,he hooks a finger under my chin lifting my head up to face him 
"why do you keep doing this Abel?" 
"what am i doing ?"
"this being close to me ,why are you doing it ,why do you keep flirting with me "
"because i want you Fay "
"you're insane "
"no i am not but you are all i want at this moment " He left me speechless how was i supposed to reply to him ,my confidence shot through the roof each time he spoke 
"remember you said the next time we kiss I'd be the one who would want it ?"
"mmhh" he mumbles against my skin 
"I want to kiss you Abel "

He doesn't waste a second his hands travel down to my waist gripping on tight as his tounge wondered my mouth making me feel him ,his groin became more evident as it pokes each time he pulls me close i bite on his lower lip making him grunt and it was music to my ears "so sexy Abel " i whisper while kissing him .

I break the kiss wanting to get a breathe ,his hands still on my waist while his head is buried in the crook of my neck "you're fucking amazing Fay "
"thank you "
"oh my ,you're shy now " he rises looking at me making me feel embarrassed 

We wash off the paint and wipe up ourselves but i didn't have any more clothes "Abel can you tell my mum to get clothes "
"you can use mine while yours is in the dryer " He stands infront of the bathroom door looking at me in his towel "are you crazy it won't f..fit " I was embarrassed and ashamed .

He walks away but comes back with a t-shirt in his hand "shhh and use it  you will look sexy  you can use my sweats if you need because your pretty black undies are in the dryer "
"geez woman relax "
"whatever just give me your sweats and i am not giving it back "
"why not ?"
"because I'm free ballin " he burst out laughing and so do i 

I put on his clothes and to my utter shock it isn't to tight ,I stand infront of the mirror when Abel stands behind me resting his chin on my shoulder "Fay wanna know what i see in this mirror"
"yes "
"i see  a really sexy woman and  a reallllyyyy hot guy who could maybe you know make cute babies "
"shut up "
"really though ,i see a powerful ,smart ,pretty ,kind gorgeous young woman who needs to be herself and not hide anymore "
"well that girl isn't as perfect as you portray her to be "
"she is "
"Abel i am not ,i don't have a shape and i hate my body "  tears full my eyes 
"you do have a shape ,you don't show it off Fay " he grips the t-shirt from behind exposing my somewhat hourglass shape 
"you are utter perfection Fay ,God took his time with you "
"are you saying that to be kind or.." he cuts me off with a kiss
"don't ever doubt yourself ,because you are amazing stomach or not i love who you are Fay "

He pulls me into him kissing me hard and good ,he made my knees weak and my stomach was full of singing,dancing and happy butterflies .


This chapter is dedicated to all my plus size girls who always doubt themselves,i know that it can be hard .The thought that no one will love us ,but there is someone for everyone and if you haven't been kissed yet it means  God has THE one waiting for you .NO matter what size you are or what your skin is like always love yourself even if others show you hate ,because loving yourself and appreciating yourself is the first step to love ,and if you are being picked on or if people take advantage of you be sure to stand up for yourself,no one will fight for you . Don't ever compare your body or personality to anyone else because you are YOU  so don't ever  try to be someone you are not .I want to be loved in so many ways but its the love i get from you all that gives me confidence .I love you all so much so you should love yourself more and don't ever wait on a boy, the right one will love and cherish you 



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