★ | 007. finally finding carly

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Book: Burn It Down, House Of Wax
Chapter 7: Finally Finding Carly
Word Count: 1140

Book: Burn It Down, House Of WaxChapter 7: Finally Finding Carly Word Count: 1140

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Nick approached the grocery store and grabbed the handle to pull it open. The door wouldn't budge and Jacob sighed. "Damn, they are closed."

"All the lights are on." Nick said with a frown. He lifted his fist and knocked on the door, hoping to see one of the workers come to them. "Yo! Paying Customers! Hello?" He yelled.

"No ones here either." Jacob said in confusion. "Where the fuck is everyone?" He questioned again. He once again found himself looking into the windows but once again didn't see anyone. "Maybe we should head back to the station." He suggested.

Nick nodded his head and they began to walk back. When they arrived back, there was a man standing outside the front door, about to lock it. Thank god, they had finally found someone. "Hey, I'm looking for my sister." Nick said as they approached him. "And her boyfriend. They were looking for a fan belt or something."

"I don't think I've seen 'em." The man had sweat all over his face and seemed to be slightly out of breath.

Jacob furrowed his eyebrows. Wade and Carly definitely would have come here first. This was the only place they could have gotten what they needed. "This is the only gas station in town, isn't it?" He asked.

"That's right." The man walked over to the garage door and closed it.

"Then they were definitely here." Nick said and looked around.

"I just told you I didn't see them." The man snapped. Jacob was getting a weird vibe from this guy. From the way he was standing, the tone of his voice and the way he was staring at them.

"Well, does somebody else work here?" Jacob asked.

The man walked away from the garage door and towards them. A scoff left his lips as he shook his head. "No, I own the station and I would have seen them."

Jacob didn't like how close the man was getting to them. "Well, I was just here a few minutes ago and you weren't even here." Nick said, not backing down. He wasn't one bit intimidated by this guy.

"Sorry." The man came to a stop in font of them, his head tilted slightly to the side. "Can't help you."

Jacob whipped his head to the side as he heard a muffled sound. He narrowed his eyes at the man. "What was that?" He asked slowly, looking around to see if he could get a glimpse of what the sound was.

"Nothing that was just my dog." The man chuckled and walked backwards. "Actually, you know what? My brother Vincent was down here for a while he could have helped your sister out. He could be up at the house."

Jacob crossed his arms and looked behind to where the man was pointing. There was a large house that stood on top of a hill. It wasn't too far away but still, he didn't fancy going up there. However, if it got them closer to Carly and Wade, he supposed he would do it.

"Our friend went up there earlier." Nick said. Jacob had completely forgotten about Dalton. Maybe he had already found them.

The man bent down to tie his shoe laces. "Really? Maybe he ran into my brother up there then." The man stood back up. "Want to head up to the house?"

Everything in Jacob told him to say no.

"Yeah, whatever." Nick said. Jacob stayed close by Nick's side as they began to walk again.

"So, uh, what's your sister look like?" The man asked.

"Nick! Jacob! Help me!" Carly's scream sounded loudly. It was coming from the gas station. Jacob spun around just as the man was about to slice Nick. Nick dodged out of the way in time but Jacob hadn't been so lucky, the knife slicing his upper arm.

He shouted in pain and jumped back as Nick punched the man two times, knocking him backwards.

"Please help me!" Carly screamed again. "I'm down here!"

"Come on!" Jacob ignored the pain in his arm and tugged at Nick's jacket as they ran towards the gas station door. Jacob slammed against it and got it open, him and Nick slamming it shut and locking it before the man could get in. Nick and the man made eye contact, the both of them glaring.

That's when Jacob remembered. The garage door. It was unlocked to. It seemed the man had the same thought because they both took off at the same time. He got there just before him and made sure to jam it shut so the man couldn't get in. He didn't know if there were any other ways into this place but he sure hoped not.

"Are you okay?!" Nick asked frantically, looking at the blood stain on his boyfriends arm.

"Don't worry about me. It was just a nick." He said quickly. They moved back to the front of the store to see the man but he had vanished. Jacob breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nick! Jacob!" Carly screamed.

"Carly!" Nick yelled back.

"I'm downstairs!" She said.

Jacob followed Nick as they went down the stairs. Nick reached the door but found it locked. He lifted his leg and kicked it open, breaking the lock as the door swung open.

Carly was bound to a chair, her lips stained with blood and blood all over her hand. She looked pale but when she saw them, relief washed over her face. "Thank god."

"I'm here, I got you." Nick said as he began to pull the restraints from her.

Jacob was on the other side and pulled at the restraints. "Watch me finger, watch my finger!" Carly said with a whimper of pain.

Jacob looked down at her finger, seeing the tip of it just below the nail had been cut off. That's where all the blood was coming from. "He did this to you?" He questioned as Nick looked horrified. Jacob was a lot more gentle as he removed the restraints.

She wrapped her finger into the white shirt Nick gave her earlier. It was now covered in dirt, sweat and blood. "Where is he?" She asked as Nick tried to find something to cut the restraints from her leg. "Where is he?!"

"We locked him out." Jacob said in a gentle voice as Nick knelt down and cut the restraints from her legs.

"Where the hell is Wade?" Nick asked.

"I don't know. He went into the house. This place is a freakshow!" She whimpered again as she put pressure on her finger, stopping the blood from coming out.

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: See below!

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