Chapter 17: Fun Fair

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Brad POV
I drove us to the little shop in town. All the spaces outside the shop were full though so I had to park in the car park that was about a ten minute walk. I found a spot at the front of the car park. We both climbed out of the car and walked towards the shop. Once we reached the shop we walked straight to the fridge and freezer section. Y/n looked for the eggs she needed while I looked at the ready made protein shakes. I picked up a chocolate one and y/n came over to me. "Ready?" She asked me, I nodded and we walked to the front of the shop where the cashiers were. I placed the protein shake down and y/n placed the eggs down, she reached for her back pocket to get her money out but I had already scanned my card. She playfully hit my arm, and I turned around and stuck my tongue out to her. The cashier placed our items into a bag and passed them to me. We walked out of the shop and started walking back to the car. However on our way back there was a drunk man walking down towards us. I quickly grabbed y/n hand and held her close to me. The drunk man walked past us, but he made it obvious that he was staring. We got to the car and I started it.

Once we got home y/n went straight back to cooking. "Can I help?" I asked standing up from the seat. "You can go put a film on in my bedroom on my laptop." She said. "Ok." I walked into her bedroom and picked her laptop off from the floor.

I watched as the bacon sizzled in the pan, making sure it didn't burn. "Y/n?" I heard Brad say, I turned around and he had my laptop in his hands. He placed it down on the counter. "Can you put your password in please?" He asked me turning the laptop so that it was facing me. I put my password in and Brad took the laptop back into the room, saying a thank you on his way back.

I had finished making breakfast so I took the two plates into the bedroom and gave one to Brad. I went back to the kitchen and picked the two mugs of tea up and placed his on the bedside table next to him. And I placed mine on the other bedside table. Brad pressed play on my laptop. "What are we watching?" I asked him taking a bite out of my bacon and egg sandwhich. "Spiderman 2." I laughed. "What?" He asked me taking a bite out of his sandwhich. "You really like these films don't you." "Can you blame me they are good films." I giggled and we carried on watching the film.

We had both finished our food and was now just watching the film in silence. "Y/n?" "Hmm." I replied not taking my eyes off of the laptop. "There's a fun fair in town next weekend. Wanna go?" "Yessss!" i said excitedly now looking at Brad. "It can be our second date." I said clapping my hands together. He laughed and wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer.

Time skip to the fun fair

We found a parking space and Brad parked his car there. We both opened the car doors the scent of churros and cotton candy hitting our faces. Brad locked his door and walked round the car to me. "M'lady. Shall we?" He said in a funny accent and placing his hand out for me to take. "We shall." I said in the same accent taking his hand. "What do you want to do first?" He asked me. I dragged him towards a photo booth and pulled him inside. He sat down and I sat on his lap. We made a few funny poses but the last one was my faviourate. It was of us smiling but he was looking at me the whole time. I placed the photos into my back pocket and this time Brad dragged me to the ghost ride.

Brad gave the man two tickets and we climbed into the cart, the man lowered the bar down and the ride started. I was fine the whole time until a vampiere popped out of the wall infront of us, I screamed so loud probably Antarctica could hear me. And without thinking I quickly moved my head into Brads chest. He was crying with laughter and stroking my back. The ride ended and we climbed out of the cart. Brad was still crying with laughter but I didn't think iot was very funny. "The way you screamed." He said holding his stomach. "It wasn't funny it scared me." I said crossing my arms. "Shall we get some cotton candy." He said wiping his eyes. My eyes lit up. "I'll take that as a yes." He laughed, we walked towards the cotton candy machine and Brad paid for two passing me one and keeping the other for himself.

It was getting dark and we had ridden so many rides. I yawned and Brad wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Shall we go home?" He asked me. I nodded and we walked towards the car. I sat down in the passenger seat and Brad started the car up. "Are you coming back to mine?" He asked me. "I don't mind do you want me to?" I replied looking out the front window. "Yes." He said looking at me as we stopped at a red light. "Then yes." I turned to look at him. We both leaned in and kissed. A car suddenly beeped us and we both looked up. Green light. We both laughed and Brad started driving again.

hey guys sorry i havent updated in a while just found out i have covid :( but ill update later on most likely

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