Even A Mage Should Rest

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(Artwork above is mine)

(TW: implied gagging, passing out, mention of death, mentions of blood.)


Espresso stirred in his sleep. The study was bright and warm, sunlight somehow finding its way down the hallway and through the open door. Wait. Thats strange. He normally closes the door. Espresso woke up with a start. He had fallen asleep at his desk. A sheet of notes was stuck to his cheek.

"What,-oh," he plucked the note from his face and put it on top of the stack before him. He sighed. "Fell asleep on the brink of a breakthrough, just my luck." He stood, and felt nauseous. His Vision was swirling black and he couldn't help but sway as his legs buckled beneath him. He felt acid rushing up his throat, and he panicked. Putting a hand to his mouth, he forced it back down. Clenching his teeth and eyes shut, he Pressed the heels of his palms into his desk, pushing himself back up. Once he didn't feel like passing out, he opened his eyes, which fell on a conveniently placed half full mug of coffee. He downed it in mere seconds. It was bitter, but cold. Better than nothing. He looked at the bottom of the empty mug, it was stained. To the "Needs-Cleaning-Tray" you go. He placed it on a silver tray that was nearly full with empty mugs. Hold on. He squinted and counted each one. All his mugs were on that tray. He sighed. He would need more than a few to prove his hypothesis. He picked it up and walked down the hall. Just as he was about to turn to the kitchen, the doorbell rang, and caught Espresso by surprise. The mugs tipped and slid to the brim of the tray in what felt like slow motion. He watched helplessly as three sugar-glass mugs shattered on the grayham floor. One of them was his favorite. He scoffed and begrudgingly stepped over the mess, slamming the tray on the marbled counter. He made his way back through the sugar-glass, readjusted his appearance, and opened the door.

"Espresso! I was on my way to get some powdered donuts when....it.......occurred to me...... that....... Errmm..." Madeleine. Of course it was Madeleine. Espresso tried to show respect, despite not having very much to give at this given moment, or very much respect for him at all, to say the least. Madeleine's ever glowing smile wavered, and melted into a face of concern. "Espresso, my friend,- I-, you-......you look awful." Espresso squinted at him. Normally Madeleine was obnoxious, but polite. What he said evidently was not very polite. Espresso wondered if the other had lost his freaking mind. Madeleine seemed to read his thoughts, and looked guilty. "I'm incredibly sorry Espresso, you just don't look very well, in fact, you look a little under the weather." Espresso remembered that he had not seen a mirror for quite some time now,...... it was probably best he hadn't. He was also not willing to address his near-pass-out a few minutes ago. "Don't mind me, now, what was it about powdered donuts that you were talking about?" He looked at Madeleine expectantly. Madeleine perked up, "Oh, I just wanted to invite you to come with me," he smiled and scratched his neck again. Espresso simply leaned against the doorway and gave him a bored expression. All this talking and standing was making him lightheaded. He wasn't going to let Madeleine see that though. Wait. Madeleine's talking....... Espresso assumes he's talking. His mouth is moving. He seems to be saying words....... What is going on? Espresso rubbed at his ears and squinted. "What?". Then black static started bleeding through his vision. Oh no. No no no no no! Not again! Madeleine seemed to see that something was wrong. He put a hand on the mage's shoulder while a concerned look filled his face, his mouth still moving as he glancing off left and right, as if checking to see if there were any cookies around who could help. Espresso felt like his body was going numb. He tried to grab the doorway, but he could barely move. He fell forward and Madeleine grasped him by the arms now. Madeleine looked ........................

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