Dinner (part 2)

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Zack POV

"Don't worry buddy, Ill be there to protect you"

At those words and his shockingly soft and gentle hand rubbing my shoulder, I feel myself falling into his side. Just as I do so, we both hear someone at the door. Damn...

We both sit up quickly and I get up awkwardly. I avoid eye contact and cough breaking the silence.

" I uh... I should go get the door" I say and slowly make me way over.

" Uh yah. um good idea" I hear him say.

I unlock the door and I help my mom with her stuff. I help her in and Koda also helps. After that we're all just kinda standing there until my mom decides to talk.

" Well it seems that you've met my son Zack" she says pointing in my direction.

" Well, let's eat" she says and has everyone grab something to eat from the kitchen where she has stuff in pots and boilers.

I grab a piece of chicken and a small spoonful of mash potatoes. I look over to my left and notice Koda's plate. He has pretty much what I have but doubled.

*** Skipping to after dinner***

Dinner was nice... and totally awkward. It was normal in a way I guess... mom asked me how was my day and stuff. I skipped out the part with the fight and just said that I bumped into Mr. White/ Koda.

She was slightly shocked and relieved about Koda being a security guard at the school. Then we talked about Koda.

I learned that he was actually a pretty cool dude. He used to fight professionally, which explains the muscle. He also, apparently, worked on shows like Vampire Diaries, Supernatural and my favorite Teen Wolf.

I almost chocked on my food on the last part.

I am currently in my room doing some homework waiting for mom and Koda to finish whatever they're doing downstairs... eww.

I suddenly hear a knock at the door. Expecting it to be my mom so I answered

" It's open mom!!"

What got me was the fact that the reply was not my mothers voice but -

" Umm, it's me Koda"

Koda POV

While Zack was upstairs, I was talking to his mom, who is a nice person tbh, about what had happened at school. She told about how he's been having trouble with finding friends and bullying. I felt my heart break as I heard more about his childhood.

I promised that I would keep an eye out for him and make sure that she doesn't have to worry now that I'm there.

" Wow, thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me. Before you go, can you have a talk with him about it though? I'm sure he would love to know this." Zack's mom said with pride and excitement evident.

" Yah, I'll go right now" I answered and made my upstairs.

On the way up, I couldn't help but think back to what happened on the couch before she arrived. The look in his eyes and the way he fit perfectly on my side.

I stopped my thoughts as I knocked on his door.

" It's open mom!!" I hear his voice from behind the door. I chuckle quietly and open the door slightly and peek my head in.

"Umm, it's me Koda" I answer and watch as he sits up quickly.

"We should talk..." I say and walk in closing the door.

AN: OMG guys i'm so sorry for the long update wait!!! I have no excuses, shame on me, I know. Thanks for all the reads holy sh*t!!

So Koda and Zack seem to be getting along, but how well? Will they become friends? How is Zack gonna react to Koda? Read and find out :3

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