The royal speech

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Custard Cookie The Third and Pure Vanilla Cookie where standing behind the curtains on a stage. In front of them was the whole kingdom. They were waiting for Pure Vanillas speech. 

-'When I'll be king, will I have to make speeches like you?'

-'Yes, of course. It is really important to keep your kingdom aware of the situation and motivated to any kind of work. There are still cake monsters out there. We have to get rid of them as soon as possible for safety. It will be difficult but not impossible.'

Custard Cookie The Third thought for a while.

-'Aren't you stressed?'

Pure Vanilla Cookie looked at him confused.

-'Stressed about what exactly?'

-'About your speech. Everyone will be watching you.'

-'Well... I am pretty stressed but I need to stay calm. I've done it couple of times already. I know what I should do.'

Pure Vanilla Cookie smiled. He took a deep breath.

-'I should go now. They are waiting for me.'

-'Good luck!'

-'Thank you.'

Pure Vanilla Cookie started heading to the uncovered part of the stage. Custard Cookie The Third stood for a while. He thought that Pure Vanilla Cookie was really brave. He always wanted to be king but he never really understood how much responsibility it takes to rule the whole kingdom. He was thinking about how his life will look like when he will be king, when he heard a strange noise from the forest. He stopped dreaming and started listening to the sound. It was really familiar. It was slowly getting closer. Custard Cookie The Third decided to check what was making this sound. He quickly went off the stage and ran towards the nearby forest. He stopped right in front of the nearest tree. He moved his head to the left. Nothing seemed out of ordinary. He moved his head to the right. Still, everything looked as always. He heard the noise again. It was coming from the forest. Custard Cookie The Third followed the sound without any hesitation. He grew more intrested as the sound was getting louder and louder. When the sound got loud enough he hid behind a bush. He wanted to check what was making all this noise before he could interact with it. The noise got even louder. After a while a group of cake monsters showed up. That's why Custard Cookie The Third found this sound familiar. He has already fought them before but he wasn't alone. The cake monsters were heading towards the kingdom.

~'If they will enter our kingdom, dads speech would be ruined!'

Thought Custard Cookie The Third. He wasn't going to allow this. He jumped out of the bushes almost immediately. The cake monsters noticed that and quickly ran towards him. Custard Cookie The Third realized what he got himself in to. There were around 20 cake monsters and he was all by himself. He took a deep breath and started attacking the cake monsters. He was healing himself as often as he could which was really exhausting.

-'20, 17 , 13...'

He started whispering the count of the enemies.

-'9, 7, 5...'

He was really tired. He felt like passing out any second.

-'3, 2, 1...'

It was over. He fell to the ground. He was exhausted. He was panting. But he was proud of himself. He defeated a group of cake monsters all by himself. If he didn't know healing magic he'd be dead on the spot. After a couple of minutes he got up. He decided to head back when he realized something. He was completly lost. He didn't know in what direction he should go. Left? Right? Forward? Back? He had no idea. He looked around to find a similar path but all those emotions from the fight made him forget how he got there. He tried to find the bush he was hiding in but all of the bushes looked the same. He started to panic. He knew that no one would hear him if he'd scream. He started feeling dizzy. He sat down again. Alone in the forest. Completly lost. These thoughts were making him want to cry. But then he heard a familiar voice.

-'Custard!? Where are you!?'

It was Pure Vanilla Cookies voice calling for him.


He screamed back. Not long after Custard Cookie The Third could see Pure Vanilla Cookie. He looked worried and anxious.

-'There you are! My speech ended long time ago! Why are you here!?'

Custard Cookie The Third stood up. Pure Vanilla Cookie sat down to face him.

-'Are you okay? I can see that you are hurt. What happend?'

-'I'll tell you everything at home. Right now I'm sooo tired!'

Pure Vanilla Cookie smiled.

-'Lets go then.'

(Word count: 787)

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