Chapter 11

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Sunan went back to school.

Susie hesitated thinking about the admission letter that was hidden at home.

Although I have decided to enter the entertainment industry, I still did my best in the college entrance examination, but I just didn't want to leave any regrets, and don't look too embarrassed even if I quit.

What about now?

She can do things that she couldn't do in her previous life, such as going to school.

It has always been the most regrettable thing in my heart that I couldn't go to school in my last life. Han Chuang studied hard for ten years, only to find that I could only stop abruptly when I was the champion. How can I be reconciled?

"Susie, it's your turn." Pan Yu came over. Seeing that Susie was a little out of her mind, she couldn't help but wonder, "What's wrong with you?"

Susie looked up at Pan Yu and paused. "I said, what do you think if I want to go back to school?"

When Pan Yu was shocked by Su Xi's words, Su Xi had already gone to film.

The paranoid filming was more tiring than expected, not only because the movie itself is much more demanding than the TV series, but also because there is a Virgo, the excellent director Lin Ye!

In this scene, Lin Qing returned to China because of the misunderstanding of the female lead Lu Zeling's explanation. After returning to China, he got along with the male lead. The love was so deep at first, but after years of meeting, he found that everything was not as good as he imagined. .

Sheng Yechen's eyes were blind, and his heart was also left by Lu Zeling's departure, leaving only a broken body.

Lin Qing cried and told about the joy he had lost and found, but Sheng Yechen searched for Lu Zeling from her words. Hearing her departure and her explanation, his heart was emptier, more angry, and more hated... He only He hated her alone, and hated her chasing after him unscrupulously, but what he hated most at this time was that she lied to him, but refused to lie for the rest of his life.

In this scene, more shots will be given to Sheng Yechen, which is a very explosive clip. As a female supporting role, Lin Qing is more likely to become a background board.

If you want to play well, you need to see how Susie will play.

"!" Lin Ye gave an order, everyone took their places, and started shooting.


"Lu Zeling, you are back, right!" Sheng Yechen's throat was dry, unimaginable, like a dream, Lu Zeling is back again, is it an illusion? Is he hallucinating?

He moved excitedly, wanting to grab the hand, but this movement affected the blade of the scalpel, and the pain caused him to sweat again.

After a long time, Sheng Yechen finally heard the voice.

She said, "Yechen, it's me, I'm back." She said, "Yechen, it's me, I'm back."

Sheng Yechen always felt that it was not very real, more like a dream than a dream. . It was such a familiar voice, but it always felt unfamiliar, and the owner of this voice, he still couldn't remember.

Sheng Yechen's heart tightened and he asked subconsciously: "Ye Qing" The next moment, the woman who had been sitting beside her forbearing finally couldn't help crying. Weeping softly, and finally weeping silently. She always holds Sheng Yechen's hand, so stubborn.

"Don't cry, it's fine." Sheng Yechen's tone was light. He didn't move, and let Ye Qing hold his hand numbly, the warm feeling made him feel unfamiliar. It was as if everything was not as it was in memory.

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