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top Zeha bottom Haru
it izz what it izz

Zeha stared at the deep wound on Haru's stomach, furrowing his brows at the deity's torn, slashed skin.

Damn Beom... he thought, grumbling to himself. The next time he saw one of those damn beasts he'd make them pay for harming Haru like this.

The stone deity was sleeping peacefully, his pillow-like lips slightly parted as soft snores left his mouth.

Pretty, Zeha thought, before shaking his head at his own mind and leaning away. He really shouldn't be thinking of Haru like that. He was a God for crying out loud. Even thinking of dirtying him would be sacrilegious, wouldn't it?

The young blond stared at the deity on his bed, looking at the way Haru's belly fell and rose with each soft breath, and the way half his face was covered by his feathery grey hair.

Haru was really pretty though...

After a moment, the deity screwed one of his eyes open, and rubbed it with his slender hand as he came into awareness.

"Morning sleeping beauty," Zeha said, dropping himself beside Haru on the bed. He pointed at the deity's wound and poked him. "Didn't you say that would heal after a bit of sleep?"

Haru pulled down his shirt, and Zeha could swear his grey cheeks suddenly flushed red. "D-don't touch my body!"

"Why?" Zeha asked with a sly smirk. "Have I finally found something you're self-conscious about?

"Of course not!" Haru huffed. "My human form is sculpted to perfection! From my hair to my face to my chest to my stomach to my..."

Zeha perked a brow when the deity fell quiet. "To your..."

"You get the picture!" Haru said sharply, folding his arms. "A-anyway... is Do-geon still here?"

Zeha grinned. He wasn't going to let Haru change the subject that easily. "Then why do you get embarrassed when I look at you or touch you?" He asked on.

"I- I don't- I don't get embarrassed when you look at me!" Haru snapped. "I am a 1000 year old diety! I am holy and my body is sacred!"

"Ahh, so I'm not worthy of looking at your body, is that it?"


"Then when would I be worthy?"

The deity blinked, speechless for a moment. "W-why... would you even want to be worthy?"

Zeha shrugged. "Well, you've made me curious now. If I have to be worthy of seeing you, those clothes must be hiding something real special."

Haru lowered his head, and Zeha's eyes crinkled when he saw the deity bite his lower lip as if he were flustered.

"You really have become a brat," he whispered, hugging himself tightly.

"And you haven't answered my question."

"That's because.... b-because you could never be worthy," Haru said, trying to lift himself off the bed. He groaned as he got up to his feet, but a flash of pain shot through his body, and his knees gave out right away.

He tumbled backwards on the bed, right in Zeha's arms.

"Hey, take it easy," the blond said, cradling Haru against his chest with a concerned frown.

Haru stared up at Zeha, his lips parted and his eyes wide.

"You okay?" Zeha asked, fondly tucking some of Haru's ash grey hair behind his ear.

Zeha x Haru one-shot Where stories live. Discover now