Chapter 4: Dreadful news

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Gabe woke up the next morning and found Elena sleeping peacefully next to him. Her head and her hand was resting on his tanned, bare chest and one leg was on top of his legs. Gabe smiled at the sight of her, his heart soared with love just by looking at her. She looks do beautiful and peaceful. He thought in his head. He saw it was only a little past five in the morning and knew it's early for Elena to wake up so he just laid there and gently stroked her hair, pushing some out of her face with one hand, and wrapped his other arm around her waist, protectively.

 After an hour has passed, he decided to wake her up. "Elena, wake up." Gabe whispered to her with lots of love in his voice. She didn't get up. He smiled and stroked her arm gently. "Hey, wake up cupcake. He said softly. She stirred and opened her eyes slowly.

 "Why did you call me that?" She asked him groggily with a small, cute smile on her face.

 "So you heard that." He asked teasingly.

"Of course I did. Did you just call me cupcake? " She asked with a bashful smile.

"Sure, why shouldn't I call you cupcake?" He asked with a grin. Before Elena could respond he tickled her on her stomach and she started laughing. 

"hahaha Gabe haha - STOP!" She laughed loud and hard, trying to wriggle out of his grasp.

"Oh no, you're not going anywhere." He said, laughing himself. Elena quickly raised her arm and tickled Gabe under his chin. 

"Hey, not fair." He tried to playfully complain while laughing.

"You started it." She told him mischievously. He playfully tried to frown but couldn't remove his cute smile.

They were on their way to Avalor, riding in a coach. Gabe and Elena were sitting next to each other. He wrapped one arm around her waist and she smiled. The amount of love they felt for each other was endless. Everytime they would see or think about each other their hearts' would fill with pure love and nothing else. I love him so much. I wish I could tell him. She thought in her head. Every time she wanted to tell him the thought of rejection crossed her mind. She didn't want to ruin their wonderful friendship. Gabe thought exactly the same as her. What if she doesn't love me? He thought everytime he was going to admit his feelings for her.

Elena suddenly gasp at the sight of something. 

"What is it?" Gabe asked concerned.

"Relax, nothing is wrong. Can you see those beautiful, shiny things floating in the air?" She asked him.

"Oh yeah, I didn't even notice that." He said. "Should we go check it out?" He asked her knowing she would want to go.

"Yeah, let's go check it out." She said and told the coach to stop.

They got off the carriage and Elena ran to follow those shiny things. 

"Elena, slow down," Gabe said. "This could be a trap."

"Yeah, you're right. Let's walk together." She told him

They walked cautiously, following those shiny things until they found a shiny, light blue star. It shone so brightly that you couldn't look directly at it. 

"Woah, what is that." She asked with interest.

"Not sure, maybe we could ask Mateo when we get home?" Gabe suggested.

"Yeah that's a good idea." She replied.

They got back to Avalor and they asked Mateo what that star object is.

"This is called 'Estrella de protección' meaning 'Star of protection' Mateo told Elena and Gabe. "This star is magical and can protect anyone or anything, it can also save someone's life if they are on the verge of dying, it can cure any disease and it can bring a dead person back to life within five minutes of their death. Many people go looking for this object but it was never found. This is very solid and it's very hard to break it but if it does break somehow the magic will be gone ad this star will be powerless." Mateo told them.

"Woah." The pair said in unison. They were very impressed.

"We could keep it in the Royal treasury?" Gabe suggested and went to lock it safely there.

"Elena come to the grand council room, we need to speak to you." Esteban said in his usual voice.

"Uh sure, come on Gabe." Said Elena.

The three of them walked to the grand council chamber and found Luisa, Francisco and Naomi sitting there.

"What's going on?" Elena asked very confused.

"Now that you have come of age to be queen, you must also find a husband to rule with you and also because you must produce at least one heir to the throne." Esteban said.

Elena's eyes were wide open and her mouth agape. I can't believe it. She thought in her head. She already knew the perfect guy but wasn't sure if that perfect guy loved her. A million thoughts ran in her head and she couldn't concentrate on what else Esteban was saying.

"Meeting adjourned." Elena said quickly. She was shaking and on the verge of crying so she ran out of the room.

Naomi quickly followed her and Gabe thought it was best to give her some space. Gabe's heart was beating so fast and his emotions were going out of control. Maybe I could admit my feelings for her. What if she rejects me? He thought in his head.

"Elena! Wait up." Naomi said.

Elena stopped and faced her. Naomi pulled her into a tight hug.

"What's wrong Elena?" She asked carefully

"I guess, I'm just a little scared. You know I've seen many couples fight with each other. Sometimes the husband would beat his wife if she didn't do something on time for him. What if that happens to me." Elena said very scared because she was sure that her family would want her to marry a Prince. She wouldn't have this fear if she knew that she would marry Gabe.

"No Elena not all couples do that. And a husband is not allowed to do that to his wife, that is illegal. You've got your friends and family with you too. We will never let that happen." Naomi said with care.

Elena immediately felt better knowing she has her loved ones around her. She saw Gabe approach her and gave him a tight hug, he hugged her back with great love. Naomi went home as she had an off day tomorrow and Gabe escorted Elena to her room. Gabe started coughing a little. 

"Are you alright Gabe?" Elena asked with concern.

"Yeah I think I just choked." Gabe siaid trying to assure her.

"Goodnight Gabe." Elena said with a warm smile and love in her eyes that would melt Gabe's heart.

"Goodnight Elena." Gabe said and smiled back he hugged her lovingly and she went to her room.

Author's Note

Hi everyone! Hope you're all keeping safe.

What did you think of this chapter. What was your favorite part. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As always if I made any mistakes you can let me know and suggestions are welcome! Thank you so much everyone!!

Take care and keep safe everyone ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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